Well....it has been a few years but I am almost ready to start again! After a few start and stops in HO I finally looked at my layout and said "What am I doing?" I love O scale and with some inspiration from the JDStucks, The Black Diamond Railway and Doug-LaidoffSick I felt like this was the way to go especially when I consider my future with hopefully kids someday!
I am getting married in July so I won't be able to start anything until after that so for now I am going to be liquidating my HO stock and planning for my O scale layout. I am set on using MTH DCS and the scale wheeled versions of their modern diesels for this Norfolk Southern layout.
I have a space that is roughly 30x8 with a small 2x20 extension off the top for my yard so I can't do anything too crazy with my track plan. I was wanting to use MTH ScaleTrax with numbered turnouts and O-72 min radius. Do you guys foresee any issues with that setup?
Any hints or tips for my planning would be appreciated!