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IMG_3366Hi guys,

I'm requesting from Scott Mann the following LIRR coaches & sleepers. if any of the following interest you please let Scott know. I would really love to get more scale Long Island cars from golden gate depot that are not the usual PRR Tuscan.

pre-war Lester tichy coaches. I added a picture of my Lionel legacy Lester Tichy H15-44 for reference. Lionel and Mth have done tichy C-liners, plus Mth did the tichy RS-1. We need cars!! 🙃 P.S. I realize Lester Tichy’s paint scheme is post WWII. Most of the cars painted like this were the pre-war style P70’s inherited from the PRR.

post-war dashing Dan/ worlds fair coaches

12-1 & 8-1-2 sleepers in the blue stripe parlor car paint scheme with dashing Dan logos.

here is a link to see all the heavyweight parlor cars.


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  • IMG_3366
Last edited by Dj'sOgaugetrains
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@Scotie posted:

Problem with Scott's offerings is that a 28-1 parlor is not being run. These were the overwhelming majority of cars on the Cannon Ball.

Yes very true, my thoughts were use the 12-1 sleeper in place of the 28-1 parlor. We can always remove the sleeping sections & add 28 seats. The window arraignment is almost identical on both of the car types.  The 8–1-2’s can be a generic representation of the few other types of parlors used on the LIRR.

Last edited by Dj'sOgaugetrains
@GG1 4877 posted:

I love the link.  Great info that I did not know about until now.  Thanks for sharing!  I have 3 or 4 LIRR 3rd Rail Brass coaches in LIRR an PRR Tuscan Red.  Was planning on re-lettering them for PRR, but who knows what I'll do with them when I finally get a layout up and running?

Glad you like it! If you know any scale LIRR enthusiasts please pass this thread to them 🙃

I’m hoping to begin my layout this summer when my work slows down. Love the brass P70’s. I have 4 PRR & 2 LIRR.

Last edited by Dj'sOgaugetrains

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