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I have a pair of trucks that when I apply power to the leads, there is no action.  I emailed GHB and for health reasons he can longer look at these, and he has no replacements.  Does anyone know anyone that will work on these or is there a good replacement, or am I up the creek on this???


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The GHB trucks were high-quality units, so if nothing is happening there is probably some electrical connection and/or shorting problem.  I would disconnect the trucks and test each one separately.  I suppose it is possible that an overload damaged the AC-to-DC electronics on both, in which case you would have to come up with some other way of doing the AC-to-DC.

There used to be a Bowser power unit for the Corgi.  It had some disadvantages such as needing a lot of interior space; also, the wheelbase was way too short.  On the other hand, my Corgi PCC with Bowser trucks whips through O-27 tubular-track curves and switches with no problem!

Powering 3-rail trolley projects is a challenge.  If you are not going to run it a lot, I would suggest looking into picking up an inexpensive Industrial Rail or Atlas trolley on eBay and using the trucks, minus the sideframes.  These trucks have the motor in them but will still protrude into the interior so will need some finessing to keep the seats.  A bigger problem is that the drives are not very robust.  I have seen units with slipping plastic gears and also brass-geared units that are completely stripped.  The reversing boards are also subject to burning up if there is a short circuit.  So don't get one with a lot of wear already, and don't run it constantly.  I have three streetcars that I run occasionally with these trucks and so far so good.

Other than the double-enders, PCCs did not back up except in emergencies, so I would skip the reverse unit.

Let us know what you decide to do.

John23 posted:

Proto 48 is fine scale, with the rails spaced a correct 4' 8 1/2" apart.



Thanks for clarifying before I got it.  I picked my set up from a gentleman who was looking to sell all his trains and just knew they were two rail until I put them on my track.  I guess when I get to a trolley loop, I'll be hand laying some track to run these!



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