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I'm hanging catenary for the very first time and wanted to better understand potential challenges before starting so I:

  1. Avoid damage to may locomotive pantographs
  2. Have best practices in play as I hang messenger wire
  3. Be informed of things I haven’t even thought of yet

To start with, my stable of GG1s is as follows:

  • Lionel JLC GG1 6-18354
  • Lionel VisionLine GG1 6-82749

Each GG1 owner’s manual refers to an overall height of the pantographs as 6.25” from top of the rail.  How much variation can I expect between the locomotives on average?  I’m fully aware neither Lionel locomotive can draw electricity from the messenger wire.  The catenary system I have chosen is the MTH 40-1035 that was produced around 2000.  Is the solution to simply start hanging messenger wire at a 6.25” level above the continuous track where its installed and then adjust down gradually?  Prototypically, the pantograph must make contact with the messenger wire in order to draw power.  In order to do that, I’m thinking the messenger wire might need to be hung a bit lower, say 6.12” (maybe less?).  This assumes that there is enough “give” in the pantographs to smoothly traverse the messenger wire.  Am I thinking about the problem correctly?  I know you want to avoid all manual contact with the pantographs but physical contact between pantograph/messenger wire is the name of the game here.  The catenary manual states “Be sure that the messenger wire pushes down slightly on the pantograph to ensure a good, steady contact.  If the messenger wire is too low, however, the increased tension in the pantograph springs may cause more rapid wear on the pantograph contact.” How much is enough?

How do I avoid a pantograph from getting hung on the catenary?  I’m assuming this is a potential problem that would do serious damage.  Curves and switches are probably the most likely areas of concern.

What is the anticipated wear & tear on the pantographs of my 2 locomotives as a result of making correct vs incorrect contact with the messenger wire?  Assuming some pressure between pantograph/catenary is appropriate, is this going to cause my pantographs to wear down over time, create a groove?

What about new purchases with pantographs (only Lionel being considered)?  Does the dimensions and restrictions of pantographs require adjusting the whole system again?  Sounds like it might.

I know there is a lot of stuff here but I’m trying to understand some of the gotcha’s associated with catenary to hang it properly and maybe do it right the first time.

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As you said neither engine is like the earlier versions where the catenary could power the engines.

Given that and that the newer pantographs to operate up and down they must be able to freely move.

So don't let the M-wire actually touch or interfere with their operation.

Keep the M-wire height slightly above the highest fully extended pantographs.  The sparking and noises will let it appear that the pantographs and M-wire are making contact.

That's the illusion!

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