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Mine is eight years of approximately 12 hours a week use, its really flaking out on me.  I've been through 2 thumbwheels and one of the channels on the TIU is quite dead.  Sometimes the remote powers down after a minute even with activity, then sometimes it powers down after the 8 minutes as set.  I keep fresh batteries in it, which last 3 to 4 months.  I've gotten into the habit, once I get all my MTH trains running, to power down the remote to conserve power, that, along with not using backlight.  Nothing has changed with the layout regading wiring or trackage.


Now it (the remote) is not initiating very well,  it's hit or miss, i.e. at power up I get the speed and egine info:


SMPH:  0   (M)

47:  PRR  2500HP


Then there is about a minute pause before the function key info appears:


SCS  S01  LIN  SI1  ->


at this point when I press "start up" it's a crap shoot if the engine will actually start or if it repeats the same process described above.  This happens with any and all my MTH engines, I use Legacy for Lionel and conventionals.


I know this issue doesn't necessarily mean the remote is the culprit. 


Though come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time it has displayed "low battery", at some point the remote simply won't stay on, then I change the batteries.  The described behavior is currently happening and the batteries are brand new Energizers, 1 day old.  Defective bunny perhaps?


Curious if this has happened to anyone else or if it is an anomaly.  Would also like to hear how old your system is and if it has any strange characteristics.  No, I don't operate my system in the bathtub or use the remote as a hammer.  My sytem probably needs replaced than repaired- thoughts?






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My first DCS(original version) crapped out at about the 8 year point.  Up to that point, it had given no problems.  One day,went to run trains and it was dead. 


No worries; retired it  and bought a new one. Better performance due to being a couple versions more current.  


I figure the first one cost $27 and change per year to own for those 8 years. 


I figure that I got my moneys worth.  No complaints. 



If the TIU is an original Rev. G (unmarked on the bottom), losing a channel after several years isn't unusual. Every TIU after the original is much more robust.


Thumbwheels breaking after several years seems to be not too uncommon, however, after 10+ years of operation I've never experienced a busted thumbwheel. The only casualties on my 5 remotes has been a couple of battery compartment doors.


It sounds as if you also have a loose transceiver board in your TIU, remote, or both. This is an easy fix which, if done properly, only needs to be done once.


The earlier the software, the more bug it has. DCS 4.20 has very few bugs, and just about every one has a workaround.


Perhaps you would find some relief by:

  • Reseating the transceiver boards in both the TIU and the remote
  • Upgrading both devices to DCS 4.20.

What Barry said above is exactly what I had to do with my version G, The first model out. I had the same problem you speak of and what I did was open up my TIU and place a small piece of foam between the transceiver board and the case, problem solved.

As for the hand held unit, I had to replace my thumbwheel. But, that was due to me pressing down to hard on the roller wheel.

I went through a couple of key boards about fifteen years ago when I first started with computers, I was a real two finger banger!

I had to teach myself to develop a lighter touch with things. In your case it may be just plain ware, but your touch may be a little on the rough side as well.


In any case I plan on being at the next DCS group meeting at York where I hope to get Barry to upgrade my TIU to 4.2.

It seems that getting your software upgraded to 4.20 is HIGHLY under rated. I've done this for a number of folks and it makes an exciting differance in features and performance.


You can do this yourself or if your not comfortable doing it yourself,  have an MTH service station do it for you. At any rate I think you'll love it!



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