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So, I'm currently running a 55 to 60 foot loop in my office.  Currently, it's setup for Lionel's Legacy System and it works just fine for that.  I have a total of 8 feeder wires coming in from the bus wire that feed the loop (one feeder every 6 or 7 feet). 

So i just recently purchased my first MTH locomotive (PS3) and also purchased the MTH TIU/DCS Remote combo.  I wired my Z4k directly to the TIU (fixed voltage 1 in and out).  From the TIU output, it goes straight to my track bus line (and the 8 feeders). 

Problem: So the track is getting power because my Legacy engines fire up just fine.  But when I remove the Legacy loco and put the MTH PS3 loco on the track, then run the "add engine" function from the remote, the remote can't seem to find the train.  It keeps telling me "no engine to add".  I'm new to MTH DCS so any help here is appreciated.

I suspect it's because of the way I have my track powered.  The bus line and the 8 feeders may be the culprit.  I realize (now) that I went way overboard with the feeders but it's never been an issue before.  Before I rip out my wiring, does anybody have any ideas??  Would it help if I reduced the amount of feeders from 8 to maybe 4?  That way there's only one feeder on each straight away (approximately one for every 12 to 15 feet).


Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

Ps.. TIU and DCS Remote brand new.  Remote is currently version 6.


Last edited by TrainGuyMcGee
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Trainguy:  Try the simplest things first, doubt your wiring scheme has anything to do with it.

1.  Make sure your TIU is set to 1.  You can tell by watching the internal red light blink when you first turn on power to it.  It should blink once.  Then check that your remote is set to TIU 1.

2.  If that isn't an issue, try powering the engine on a separate test track.  You should be able to add the engine there, then place it back on the layout and call it up.

If those don't work, you may have an issue with the engine's electronics.  Good luck.



It might be easier to try some of the above suggestions first, as they too could be causing problems. But I suspect the wiring. Legacy/TMCC has a different method of sending it's signals. The TIU and Remote need to be using the same version of DCS (6.0 in TIU and 6.0 in remote). If yours was new and right out of the box and never before used, I doubt the versions would be different? The current version is 6.1 for both, but I don't know if 6.0 had any serious bugs. I think 6.1 may have been mostly for the newer wifi app, but I am not certain on that?

Here is what fixed this problem for me (as well as all others DCS related). If you don't have one already, you need a break in the center rail separating each power feed into it's own section or block. (Each power feed should be isolated from all of the others so the DCS signals don't cross over each other.) Legacy/TMCC uses a different method of sending out it's signals than DCS. 

I don't think you need to re-wire everything, I think your power feeds are fine. IMO, it's the missing isolations in the center rail. To correct this all you would need to do is isolate each power feed section with an isolated rail joiner in the center rail. If that isn't possible, you could cut a small slit in the center rail (maybe a dremel tool?) and install a small piece of styrene (or other insulating material) to keep the rails from touching should the track ever expand. (Make sure it is flush with the rail (especially the top) so you don't cause any track/engine problems.) I wouldn't re-wire your entire layout without trying this first.

I haven't had a DCS error since I wired my layout like this 4-5 years ago. Before that I got them frequently and I only had a small layout like 3.5' x 7' or so with one power feed and no breaks in the center rail. I didn't think something this small would matter...That's what I get for thinking!

Last edited by rtr12

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