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If you can get an 'A' dummy in your roadname, push it in front of your locomotive. The dummy will trip the switch into the correct alignment.

Another option may be to install an insulated track a few cars before the switch. Wire it to the switch, and then a train car behind the locomotive will activate the switch mechanism to throw it to the correct route.


what kind of track are you using?  If it's tubular with METAL ties there's a simple answer because I do it.  Buy or make you own insulated track.  Put that piece directly touching the switch tracks with the insulated section on the SAME SIDE as the switch's "derailer" track.  Do that for the pass thru and the curved parts of the switch.

Use 3 metal pins to connect the insulated track to the switch but use a dummy pin on the other side of the insulated track on the insulated section of that piece of track.  What you are doing in effect is extending the 3 rails of the switch and pretending that the insulated track piece is part of the switch.

No extra wiring is needed.  When your engine makes contact with the insulated rail, the metal ties make the connection that your rubber tired engine can't make.

I hope I was clear enough.  It's really simple to do.

I wish I knew of a way to draw a simple diagram because what I wrote might sound hard but it isn't hard in the least.

- walt

Last edited by walt rapp

TrainLarry, Thanks for the grand idea.... simple and easy... forgot about reverse! haha

i have a dummy, and It on the mainline for the first time. Its got power!! Thought dummy was like a flat car in the consist... "Lites on but nobody driving the train". ill have to dig into athat.... dummy .. hmmmm


Hello WaltRapp,

Thanks for the great idea on the switch (i am running Lionel Tubular)(and menards. lol)..... your explanation is good! ( we must be brothers separated at birth). If I can get that to work, my little diesel will be happy, and the grandsons as well.

i rarely have  that kind of luck "splaining stuff to the woman who had courage to marry me." I just say "computer stuff" and she gets the idea.

Loving on those engines. Fav is old GG1. She is smooth as glass, and heavy as a sand bag...... Wait, maybe my fav is Steam Berkshire (but she don't like switches... or curves.... but smokes real cute) The Postwar Alcoa A is my first diesel. Quiet and reliable..... now, we can make it past a switch.

@Miggy posted:
help please. lionel 022 switch auto no-derail feature

@walt rapp posted:

...Buy or make you own insulated track.  Put that piece directly touching the switch tracks with the insulated section on the SAME SIDE as the switch's "derailer" track.  Do that for the pass thru and the curved parts of the switch....

For a quick solution, use Walt's circuit but use a 1045c or 154c clip to use to extend your trigger rail. They can be clipped on any straight track section and be adjusted to give enough advance activation as needed.



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  • 1045c

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