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I would like comments/suggestions please.  This layout(7x15 However, I'm in negotiations with CINC Obloy to add another foot to bring this to 7x16) is my best shot so far to meet 3 of 5 objectives, more, or less: : 1. multiple lines (at least 2); 2. One loop at O-72 for my BigBoy, Challenger, Acela; 3. An elevated portion to run a trolley and/or my post-war locos; 4. A yard for, well, what a yard is used things; 5. Tunnels/or some place for trains to disappear and re-appear.  I have many buildings and operating goodies. I know I can't stuff everything on the layout but I was thinking with creative use of the elevated level I may free up space to add a 3rd loop at ground level. I'm pretty satisfied with this, but maybe i should scrap this entire plan and start over. Maybe I'm having commitment issues???  Help.  Thanks.

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 10.15.53 AM

3-D Dragoon v5 7x16 2 loop +Yard


Images (2)
  • Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 10.15.53 AM
  • 3-D Dragoon v5  7x16 2 loop +Yard
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Originally Posted by ToledoEd:

I would like comments/suggestions please.  This layout(7x15 However, I'm in negotiations with CINC Obloy to add another foot to bring this to 7x16) is my best shot so far to meet 3 of 5 objectives, more, or less: : 1. multiple lines (at least 2); 2. One loop at O-72 for my BigBoy, Challenger, Acela; 3. An elevated portion to run a trolley and/or my post-war locos; 4. A yard for, well, what a yard is used things; 5. Tunnels/or some place for trains to disappear and re-appear.  I have many buildings and operating goodies. I know I can't stuff everything on the layout but I was thinking with creative use of the elevated level I may free up space to add a 3rd loop at ground level. I'm pretty satisfied with this, but maybe i should scrap this entire plan and start over. Maybe I'm having commitment issues???  Help.  Thanks.

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 10.15.53 AM

3-D Dragoon v5 7x16 2 loop +Yard

Here's a version at 7x16.

Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 11.26.42 AM


Images (1)
  • Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 11.26.42 AM

Holy Toledo, Ed!


You have fit a lot into this. Looks good.


I have a concern about the track to edge clearance. I haven't figured out if RRT allows for roadbed or if uses tie edge. It look like +/- 1".


Perhaps move the crossovers to the ends coming off the inner curve with the other switch on the first straight of the outer. Smooths out the wiggle.


Another difficult feature to include is reversing direction. The balloon around the yard is nice for yard ops and it doubles as an r-loop for CCW to CW running. I just don't see a way to add the other loop at first glance to get from CW to CCW. Perhaps a pair of switches end to end on the right side inner loop tying into the yard balloon.


Now, that throws a monkey wrench into the fitment.


Other than that, it's a fun layout to run with operations included as it is now.


Have you run the simulator on it to see how feels? Note the elapsed time it takes to do things.

Last edited by Moonman
Originally Posted by Moonman:

Holy Toledo, Ed!


You have fit a lot into this. Looks good.


I have a concern about the track to edge clearance. I haven't figured out if RRT allows for roadbed or if uses tie edge. It look like +/- 1".


Perhaps move the crossovers to the ends coming off the inner curve with the other switch on the first straight of the outer. Smooths out the wiggle.


Another difficult feature to include is reversing direction. The balloon around the yard is nice for yard ops and it doubles as an r-loop for CCW to CW running. I just don't see a way to add the other loop at first glance to get from CW to CCW. Perhaps a pair of switches end to end on the right side inner loop tying into the yard balloon.


Now, that throws a monkey wrench into the fitment.


Other than that, it's a fun layout to run with operations included as it is now.


Have you run the simulator on it to see how feels? Note the elapsed time it takes to do things.

Thanks for the comments and advice. No, I haven't run the simulation...duh!  I will try your suggestion on the yard. i was thinking if I move some of the buildings, such as the car wash and fire station to the upper level that might give me more room to do what you suggest. I'll play with it. Thanks again.

Originally Posted by ToledoEd:
Originally Posted by Moonman:

Holy Toledo, Ed!


You have fit a lot into this. Looks good.


I have a concern about the track to edge clearance. I haven't figured out if RRT allows for roadbed or if uses tie edge. It look like +/- 1".


Perhaps move the crossovers to the ends coming off the inner curve with the other switch on the first straight of the outer. Smooths out the wiggle.


Another difficult feature to include is reversing direction. The balloon around the yard is nice for yard ops and it doubles as an r-loop for CCW to CW running. I just don't see a way to add the other loop at first glance to get from CW to CCW. Perhaps a pair of switches end to end on the right side inner loop tying into the yard balloon.


Now, that throws a monkey wrench into the fitment.


Other than that, it's a fun layout to run with operations included as it is now.


Have you run the simulator on it to see how feels? Note the elapsed time it takes to do things.

Thanks for the comments and advice. No, I haven't run the simulation...duh!  I will try your suggestion on the yard. i was thinking if I move some of the buildings, such as the car wash and fire station to the upper level that might give me more room to do what you suggest. I'll play with it. Thanks again.

by the way I noticed I have 2 car washes in the layout. That's a mistake I only have one. I'm trying to decide the best placement for it, that's why 2 appear.

Originally Posted by William 1:
I say go for it.  Take the wiggle or little s curve out of it. Move the switches to the front and apart if possible, don't have them under the second level.  Don't worry about a second reverse loop either.  That is over rated.  It will operate fine as is.

Thanks. I hope to get started in earnest this weekend.

On casual examination, I'd be concerned that the upper level is positioned where it's most difficult to properly support.   Much of what would be needed as supports would have to be custom made to span the lower track plan while trying to avoid interference issues on the lower level....especially when considering gigantic engines


The lower track plan looks ideal although that Y switch is in an odd position on the mainline.  The compensating S curve could likely cause issues with large equipment.  I'd replace it with a regular left hand turnout and maybe work the Y into a curve on the outer mainline as a spur.



Last edited by brwebster
Originally Posted by ToledoEd:
I'm using MIANNE benchwork. They have a cantilevered system for a second level that should work and give me clearance below. At least that's one solution I think.


have you seen the cantilever. I bookmarked this publication. There is a photo of the start of the upper level cantilever supports. They never did show the final completion of the benchwork. Seems they stopped the publication or posting it on the net.


I was also curious as to what his treatment would be of the fascia. His deck has an overhang past the Mianne.


The cantilever should handle the trolley well without blocking the view of the lower track.

Hi Toledo Ed,

I messed around with your plan and made an adaptation. Moved the crossovers and used 072 switches, except for the yard spurs and the 036 manuals for the trolley elevated loop.


Worked on the track fitment of the two mains as I saw some issues with yours.


The good news is that running sim, I discovered that you can back around the balloon around the yard area and change the direction of the train.


The yard needs tuning for spacing for the accessories. I just have that close.


here's some pics of the track plan I adapted and some 3D's.


Images (5)
  • ToledoEd Track Plan Main Level
  • ToledoEd Track Plan Trolley Level
  • ToledoEd 3D 1
  • ToledoEd 3D 2
  • ToledoEd 3D 3
Originally Posted by Moonman:

Hi Toledo Ed,

I messed around with your plan and made an adaptation. Moved the crossovers and used 072 switches, except for the yard spurs and the 036 manuals for the trolley elevated loop.


Worked on the track fitment of the two mains as I saw some issues with yours.


The good news is that running sim, I discovered that you can back around the balloon around the yard area and change the direction of the train.


The yard needs tuning for spacing for the accessories. I just have that close.


here's some pics of the track plan I adapted and some 3D's.

Carl, thank you so much. This is very helpful. I'm not very facile with RRtrack software so your rendering of the upper level helps me visualize it. I'm a 2-D guy in a 3-D world.  The fitment will be a great aid as well. 

Originally Posted by Moonman:
Originally Posted by ToledoEd:
I'm using MIANNE benchwork. They have a cantilevered system for a second level that should work and give me clearance below. At least that's one solution I think.


have you seen the cantilever. I bookmarked this publication. There is a photo of the start of the upper level cantilever supports. They never did show the final completion of the benchwork. Seems they stopped the publication or posting it on the net.


I was also curious as to what his treatment would be of the fascia. His deck has an overhang past the Mianne.


The cantilever should handle the trolley well without blocking the view of the lower track.

Carl, I did see it at York, if memory serves me. The had it set up together with the lift-gate they also sell. Very slick indeed.  Thanks for the pics.  Always an inspiration to see what others have done.

Ed - ran across your layout while doing research for my new, post-move layout design, and really like what you've done with it in this original layout's objectives were very close to yours!

I have a 10' X 20' (maximum) space available on the second floor of the 3 bay garage for the rebuild.  Was wondering what you would have done with the additional space...and would like a copy of the current layout diagram (if you'd be willing to provide it).

thanks, John

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