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Hi Everyone!

I'm making my first FasTrack L-shaped layout and it doesn't seem to be lining up right while I am planning it out.  As pictured, I am trying to do a layout with a L on the outside with O48 curves and an oval on the inside with O36 curves.  

Does anyone have experience with this that could provide some insight?  If someone has, what track did you do to make it work?  

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks in advance!




Images (1)
  • train layout
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E-Man posted:

Thank you so much!  This is exactly what I needed.  What did you use to make this?

I used SCARM for this, but I also have RR-Track and there’s AnyRail for Windows and RailModeller Pro for Macs. Gilly’s version was done with RR-Track. They all have pros/cons, but both SCARM and AnyRail have trial versions that let you play with 100 pieces, RR-Track doesn’t and I’m not sure about RailModeller.


This response to your initial invitation for "L-shaped layout help" may be past due.  You have already received helpful info and track plans from other OGR hobbyists.  Anyway, here's my L-shaped layout as a JPG images and some pix.

I used Lionel tubular track because I like the retro look of it versus FasTrack.  To each his own preference. O42 is the max curvature possible because the 19x15-feet dimensions of the layout fit the train room.  As a result, several of my locos rest as "Shelf Queens" because they require larger curvatures. The only "cure" for that is ... build a larger wing onto the house OR install a ceiling layout with O72 curves.  Both "cures" would be expensive!  So I remain content with what I have.

The layout has two levels, The lower level is dominant with six areas:  East Suburbia, City Park, West Suburbia, Industrial District, yard sidings, and a Dino Park (for the great grandkids). The upper level is a "Christmas Division" with three short trolley lines that serve the rows of DEPT 56 North Pole Village structures.

I like action accessories, and so do the great grandkids!  Best wishes for success with your L-shaped empire!

Mike Mottler   LCCA 12394


Images (5)
  • MHM Layout, Level 1 as JPG
  • MHM Layout, Level 2 as JPG
  • E-W Platform
  • N-S Platform
  • MHM with Trains 2

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