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I think I set myself up for notifications about replies to my for sale (link below). I am not getting them. my email is correct, in my profile. Once upon a time I think my email was listed as It should be everywhere. Please help, if you can.




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The email address on your account is the Gmail address.


The mail may be getting caught in your spam filter. Add "" to your list of approved senders. That may fix it.


Are you SURE you are following your thread? To check this, go to the thread and look over on the right. Check the "Follow This Topic" Entry. If there is a green check mark there and it says, "Following This Topic" you are set up OK. If it does NOT say that and ypu don't see the green check, click on it. That will fix it.

Last edited by Rich Melvin
Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:

How do you have your notifications set up? There are several options, and one is a WEEKLY DIGEST. If you have it set there, you'd only get an email once a week. You want it set to Instant Email notification.

I think that was it. I checked my notification settings and now clicked email immediately. That should do it. Thanks

Last edited by Marty R
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