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Hi all!


I am looking for some ideas on how to build a horizontal "swing-through" (like a door) for a 28" opening into the layout. I am tired of ducking under and standing up too soon.  Surely, some of the clever forumites have ideas on how to accomplish this. I tried to include a picture of the opening but had a little trouble. I'll try to add add it later. I can pretty much build the hinge side to any specs.


Thanks in advance!

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That is so cool! Thanks for the video!


That is exactly what I am looking for. Do you have a shot of the hinge portion and the underside where the the two portion of track in the foreground come together? It appears as if it is just sitting on a ledge.


I also like the leg (although I do not know if it is necessary for only 28").


Do you have any trouble where the track comes together - ie derailing?

Good afternoon 

Susan nice stuff on your site. thank you.

rtr12 The floor is sealed concrete and a coat of porch and floor paint from hardware store.

        Really no measuring. the gate was a fixed section when layout was built. I just laid the track like if no gate, just made sure track started and stopped at the ends of section.

It lines up perfect every time since built four years ago.

Dennish   Never a derailment, power for gate is from hinge side only. 

           This photo is what it looks like currently 



Images (1)
  • IMG_1306

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