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So, I'm stuck.... I can't figure out what to do with my new layout.  I'm fairly new to all this and I'm at the point where it is paralysis by analysis. I have tried so many different things in SCARM, but I’m just not really happy with any of it.  So, I’m hoping someone out there can lend a hand.  My platform is 135” x 99”, but if I knock down a useless closet it gets bigger!  I’m attaching the scarm files; one is for the 135x99 and the other is if I take out the closet (I really want to take the closet out).

Ideally I’d like to run two loops, or more that are interconnected, maybe a yard for some fun...  Eventually it will be Legacy and DCS, with the occasional conventional.

I’m open to anything.




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Hi, and a suggestion to allow yourself to enjoy the good fortune of having so many ways to go. Getting stuck is indicative of having more than one pathway to consider, so pls. let me share a thought about fun and operation. I covered my train table with lots of trackage, including an interesting inside layout that has a long-ish turnaround at each end that is directed by a non-derailing turnout. It's somewhat cool because the inside train has to go around 4 times to have the same look (unlike my outside loop), however- I have a 12-year old that loves switching duty, and so I'll be redoing the layout over the next few months, pulling the inside layout, making a better switching layout, mostly for his fun. And mine, I'm sure, tho' I will miss the inside turnaround, but have to admit that after running for 10 to 15 minutes, he (and me, to an extent) lose interest in running - the switching will put the fun back into it, as we deliver, load and unload cars and operate accessories that now seldom see the action they deserve! Operation doesn't mean just standing there and watching things happen...

6. Freight pays the way

WP freight crossing the viaduct copy

8. The Bluebird is in!

Long, lean Lionel scene

Long, lean Lionel scene


Images (4)
  • Freight pays the way
  • WP freight crossing the viaduct
  • The Bluebird is in!
  • Long, lean Lionel scene

While the around the room layout would be nice, I need the space under the platform for storing stupidly large r/c planes and helicopters. 


Right now the platform is 136"x99", but I've decided to knock out the closet and make it bigger (It's ok, this is all in my workshop, wife doesn't care).  As as for the tough to reach spots, I have a little helper that loves to help out


i just have no tono idea where to begin with the track design... 

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