Brainstorming on how to improve the temporary holiday layout for 2016 and looking for suggestions. I attached pictures of what I did last Christmas. My initial thought is to tweak the existing layout by purchasing 2 manual switches and creating a folded dogbone. I just downloaded SCARM today and attached my first run through of the track design. It needs a lot of work but between that and the pictures of last year's layout it should convey what I'm trying to do.
-Keep the same 5'x9' surface (I could extend this slightly in the back corner by the toy box and where the transformer is sitting if needed).
-Keep (or expand) space for people and buildings.
-Add a little more interest to the layout. Thought was that the manual switches would auto operate allowing the train to reverse directions around the loops each time.
-could do something similar with hills/ravine as last year or create a simple tunnel...or...wider base loop around mountain and tighter top loop with no tunnels.
-what is pictured in the photos from last year with about $100 of purchases available to augment.
-I have a good deal of Styrofoam and heavy/waffle fill cardboard saved up to augment the layout. Not looking to build anything permanent - cardboard/foam skeleton under white fabric is about as fancy as I can get.
Well that is the bare bones of my thoughts for this year with about 6 weeks to tinker with the ideas and then start laying stuff out. Goal is to be running over Thanksgiving weekend. I welcome any feedback you guys/gals would provide. How to do it better, what to watch out for, etc.