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Brainstorming on how to improve the temporary holiday layout for 2016 and looking for suggestions.  I attached pictures of what I did last Christmas.  My initial thought is to tweak the existing layout by purchasing 2 manual switches and creating a folded dogbone.  I just downloaded SCARM today and attached my first run through of the track design.  It needs a lot of work but between that and the pictures of last year's layout it should convey what I'm trying to do. 



-Keep the same 5'x9' surface (I could extend this slightly in the back corner by the toy box and where the transformer is sitting if needed).

-Keep (or expand) space for people and buildings.

-Add a little more interest to the layout.  Thought was that the manual switches would auto operate allowing the train to reverse directions around the loops each time.

-could do something similar with hills/ravine as last year or create a simple tunnel...or...wider base loop around mountain and tighter top loop with no tunnels.



-what is pictured in the photos from last year with about $100 of purchases available to augment.

-I have a good deal of Styrofoam and heavy/waffle fill cardboard saved up to augment the layout.  Not looking to build anything permanent - cardboard/foam skeleton under white fabric is about as fancy as I can get.


Well that is the bare bones of my thoughts for this year with about 6 weeks to tinker with the ideas and then start laying stuff out.  Goal is to be running over Thanksgiving weekend.  I welcome any feedback you guys/gals would provide.  How to do it better, what to watch out for, etc.




Images (3)
  • Christmas Layout 2016
  • Train Layout
  • Train Layout2
Last edited by Prospector
Original Post

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WOOJR, Thank you for the reply.  I'll likely work more permanent landscaping pieces in future years.  Holding off on that for now as I am planning to transition out of my current job and likely will be on the move next summer.  I may have a dedicated space with a lot of storage room but we could be pretty cramped.  Is there anything you recommend from a landscaping perspective that would universally help any layout but wouldn't take up much storage space?  Alex

Last edited by Prospector

Your previous layout looks good! If you want to try a different plan, a loop-to-loop with automatic switches provides some "random route" variety.

I did minimum mods on your new plan idea to make all tracks fit accurately but I would suggest some modifications:

* eliminate the reverse curve in the upper reverse loop
* rearrange track for a longer, easier connecting grade between the loops
* allow more clearance around the edges, tracks not so close to edge

Prospector 5x9-101a

Following is an alternate loop-to-loop idea to address those items. I'm supposing you want to stick with all O36 curves to simplify your track inventory.

Prospector 5x9-111aProspector 5x9-111b


Images (3)
  • Prospector 5x9-101a
  • Prospector 5x9-111a
  • Prospector 5x9-111b
Last edited by Ace

Here is the skeleton of the planned layout for this holiday season.  A long way from being ready for real operation but I wanted to tinker with and verify the set up in case a major problem came up.    I plan to use two tunnel portals but still need to purchase those.  Will set up again in a few weeks  to expand out "terrain," add to/firm up supports, and cover with "snow."  Houses/scenes will go on top around the white styrofoam areas.  Any major concerns with the plan?


Images (2)
  • image
  • image
Last edited by Prospector
Prospector posted:

Brainstorming on how to improve the temporary holiday layout for 2016 and looking for suggestions.  I attached pictures of what I did last Christmas.  My initial thought is to tweak the existing layout by purchasing 2 manual switches and creating a folded dogbone.  I just downloaded SCARM today and attached my first run through of the track design.  It needs a lot of work but between that and the pictures of last year's layout it should convey what I'm trying to do. 



-Keep the same 5'x9' surface (I could extend this slightly in the back corner by the toy box and where the transformer is sitting if needed).

-Keep (or expand) space for people and buildings.

-Add a little more interest to the layout.  Thought was that the manual switches would auto operate allowing the train to reverse directions around the loops each time.

-could do something similar with hills/ravine as last year or create a simple tunnel...or...wider base loop around mountain and tighter top loop with no tunnels.



-what is pictured in the photos from last year with about $100 of purchases available to augment.

-I have a good deal of Styrofoam and heavy/waffle fill cardboard saved up to augment the layout.  Not looking to build anything permanent - cardboard/foam skeleton under white fabric is about as fancy as I can get.


Well that is the bare bones of my thoughts for this year with about 6 weeks to tinker with the ideas and then start laying stuff out.  Goal is to be running over Thanksgiving weekend.  I welcome any feedback you guys/gals would provide.  How to do it better, what to watch out for, etc.



Hey prospector looks great! For a more dramatic look carve some mountains out of foam make two sections to go along the back and in between the two sections add some white mini lights to illuminate The Carving doesn't have to be anything really detailed just the shape of the mountains with maybe a few indentations, and alternating Peaks

Joe Gozzo

Last edited by Trainlover160

Thanks for the comments guys. 


Joe, the foam I have available is left over stuff I've saved from packaging around larger electronic devices.  That stuff is very hard.  I have some extra which I was going to use to shape the terrain some more.  Any recommendations for the best way to carve it without investing in special tools?  I've hit my self-imposed budget limit for this year with the switches, extra small tracks, and tunnel portals (still to purchase). 



I understand. What I usually do is go to Home Depot. I buy a couple of 2' x 4' pieces to carve in the desired thickness, and carve the silhouette of the hills with a thin bread knife and clean up the carving with a $10 battery operated carving tool from Hobby Lobby. Total cost should be under $20, plus your time, and mini lights. Have fun with it.

Joe Gozzo

I love the modification suggested by Ace.  I want to use that as a basis for a two train layout.  I'd use O-31 (if I have to O-27) for the inner loop - copying Ace's proposed lay out.  The outer loop of O-35 fastrack could just be an oval around the other, but I'd like to make it more interesting than that.  I have all kinds of track - O-35 & O-31 fast track, as well as O-31 and O-27 tubular, 22% and 90% cross over and various switches.  It would be nice to have a siding, but I will have a book shelf yard connected to the main layout.  The better half doesn't want anything bigger than 5x9.  The grand kids want two trains  running.  Any suggestions.

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