Having been around quite a few first time model train layouts with sectional track there is a reoccurring situation that bears spot lighting.
Sectional curved track is available in a variety of circle sizes with differing quantity of sections required to complete a circle or part of a circle. Plus there is available a selection of half curved pieces in certain size ranges of different brands.
The purpose of this post is to draw attention to situations where very well meaning folks new to the hobby use too many sections of curve track or too few sections of curve track & sometimes with a mix of half pieces to execute a curve that exceeds or does not meet the degrees of curvature needed, not to mention the uneven travel of the train,
This can cause damaged rail joiners or enlarged tubular track pin holes both working against a solid connection and conduction of electricity.
So prior to laying the track, I would suggest to group your curve track into piles of same size pieces and check your track's manufacture to see how many sections of which size are required to make a circle.
I would suggest that unless you know what you are doing in assembling a spiral easement only use the same size curve track sections in each corner.
Fudging sectional track is not in one's best interest. Opinions based in experience.