I found my install CDs for RR-Track and thought about installing them. I checked the website and it looks like it's not being actively updated. Example the modern accessories page was last updated in 2015 and FasTrack in 2017. Anyone know what the status is?
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Website is still up and running.
the accessory library has more than 320 Lionel items!
No Menards buildings though. You would need to add those to a library.
I get the web site is still there. Just trying to determine if it's a ghost site. The Fastrack library needs an update based on what I can see.
Also when I first hit the homepage, I got an invalid security certificate message
I started out with RR-Track. At some point I also bought SCARM, but I put off trying it because some folks said they found it hard to learn. Then one weekend I promised myself that I would try it. Turns out, it's not any harder than any other layout design software. I've never looked back. IMO the 3D visualizations are better than RR-Track or AnyRail. And there's an optional add-on functionality that allows you to place and run up to 3 trains on the layout you designed, even in 3D. Also, the creator @Mixy is a member and posts on this forum. For your consideration, respectfully.
Still in business. I just placed and order with them and I received my tracking number yesterday.
@cbojanower posted:I get the web site is still there. Just trying to determine if it's a ghost site. The Fastrack library needs an update based on what I can see.
Also when I first hit the homepage, I got an invalid security certificate message
They're still selling it, but AFAIK, it hasn't been updated in a long time.