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I work at an electrical supply store and if you want some good, quality lighting go with the cut in wafer lights. NDR is a reputable brand and the Razor series of wafer lights are absolutely top notch. You go ahead and get the electrical for the lighting ran as you normally would and then you cut a hole, with I think a 6 3/8 hole saw, wire the included junction box for the LED driver, connect it to your wafer light and then pop it in the drywall. They’re also color selectable so you can do soft white, cool white, etc.

No actual mounting junction box is needed as they have spring clips that hold the wafer lights themselves up to the drywall ceiling, and they include the LED Driver/junction box that will then screw to a joist or support beam.

Just thought I’d toss in my 2 cents

Well, it's time for another update. My train room interior is almost done. I have had workers over to install insulation, drywall, and to paint the walls. That phase will be finished this week, and then it's on to installation of the electrical, AC unit, and lighting. Once those things are finished (by sometime this week or next week), then I can start moving my train stuff from the current location in my bedroom to the new train room. Then of course I can start really working on the track plan.

Also, I have pictures of the progress, which I will attach in this post.

The hole above the ladder in photo 1 is where the AC unit will be installed.


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  • IMG_2923
  • IMG_2924
  • IMG_2925
  • IMG_2928
  • IMG_2929

Quick update for my train room: The room is pretty much finished! All the lighting/electrical, and painting is done. It looks so good! The last thing to do is get the AC unit installed. That will happen either today or tomorrow. Then we just need to clean the floor (it's a bit messy), and my train shed will be 100% done and ready for me to start working on designing and building the new Sunrise Mountain and Western Railroad (SM&W RR) Version 2.0.

Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

I have good news today! Drumroll please!🥁 My train room shed is finally finshed! The AC unit just got installed this morning and it works (that's good). All the lighting works. And I installed my "The Train Room" metal sign out front. Now I can start working on plans for the layout. The interior dimensions of the room are 11' 4" X 15' 4". Everything looks great. Stay tuned and I will post more photos soon.

Well, you asked for it, so here it is: my track plan (at least, a possible one). If anyone has any ideas to make it better, let me know. The track plan is based on one I found in the Lionel Fastrack Book. I expanded the plan to fit my space and added an outer loop.

-Layout Stats:

-Uses Lionel Fastrack

-O72 Min. Curves; O84s on outside loop; all switches are command-controlled O72s

-Dimensions: 11' 4" X 15' 4.5"

-Room has LED lighting with dimmer switch

-AC unit is on the north wall (right side of photo) and is accessible with a step ladder; I have a remote to control it, too.


-Lionel Legacy #990 Set and Base 3 (when that arrives), plus LCS

-Track Power: 180W Powerhouses and Legacy Powermasters (3-4 of each); I run both Command and Conventional trains.

-Acc. Power: 2 CW80s and a GW180 (don't have that yet)

-I'd like to add MTH DCS in the future, but I don't know if that will happen.

-Layout features:

-Yard area (West wall of room; top of photo)

-Loco servicing facility w/ Atlas O Turntable on south wall (left side of photo)

-Open area for operating

-Lionel FT Truss Bridges (2) to allow entry into center of layout (east wall; bottom of photo)

-I want to add an O36 upper level, but I'm not yet sure how to do that with this layout plan. Maybe it could work.

-Backdrops on south and west walls; north wall where AC unit is will be where my train posters/signs will be hung.

-Desert scenery

-I plan on including a few operating accessories operated with LCS modules.

-Whisker tracks around turntable will be operated with a BPC2; also the 2 loco fuel tracks to the left of the TT

-Benchwork: Mianne

I just ordered a bunch of track to start working on my layout from The package will arrive sometime this Thursday.

Well, that's it for this post. If anyone has any ideas to make my layout better, let me know in the comments. Thanks.


Images (1)
  • IMG_6150[1]: SM&W RR Track Plan

Wow @Dylan the Train Man...your layout looks great. And you chose curve radii that allows you to run ANY engine; scale, semi-scale or otherwise.

These are my thoughts on adding an upper level:

1. Adding an upper level would depend upon the open access area you plan on having.

2. You would need to plan on having a long enough "run" of track to the upper level to allow for an incline that's not to steep (unless your upper level would not be connected to the lower level).

3. There are a few considerations for the upper level if your upper level is going to be connected to your lower level. You need a way down from the upper level. This can be done in 2 ways:

   A. Add another incline that would allow trains to exit the upper level, or....

    B. Ensure the upper level has a reversing loop to bring the trains down the same way they went up.

Hope these help your planning process.

Breaking news for the Sunrise Mountain and Western Railroad: Version 2.0 (or whatever version it is) is coming soon! Exciting!

I am finally getting a dedicated shed for my train room. The shed will be 12' X 16' with about 11' X 15' interior space. The shed should be installed in the next few weeks or so, and then I will get it, painted, powered, lighted, and AC'd. Then it will be ready for the layout to begin construction. Here are my plans so far for the new SM&W RR.

-Phase 1: Shed install in the next few weeks and months

-Phase 2: Backdrops (still looking at ideas for this phase)

-Phase 3: Benchwork Phase 1:

My layout will use Mianne Benchwork because it is a simple system to construct and modify.

-Phase 4: Track laying/wiring/control system:

I'm using Lionel Fastrack for the SM&W RR. I have a Lionel Legacy #990 Command Set and will be using that system for control, along with the new Base 3/Cab 3 system and maybe LCS.

I'm still working on a track plan. Once again, my planned train room is 11' X 15'. I have a few ideas of what I want for my layout:

-At least O60 or O72 curve minimum (so I can run larger engines, of course)

-A small loop of O36 curves for running my conventional locomotive (optional); I have a Legacy Powermaster and plan to have a couple more to run my entire layout conventionally or in command mode.

-A yard for classifying freight cars

-A timesaver switching puzzle

-An engine servicing/storage area; a 24" Atlas O turntable would be cool to have, but I would be okay with just a few loco storage tracks

-Places for a few operating accessories including a TMCC Gantry Crane, Lionel Intermodal Crane, Loco servicing stuff, etc.

If anyone has any ideas for a track plan, please let me know.

Just so you know you have been infected with an extremely expensive disease. It’s fun rewarding and you build many friendships if I bought another Train God I’m gonna miss her. LMAO

I got my shipment of track today, well most of the track. I also got a second Legacy Powermaster. Now I have two. I use one, in conjunction with a 180W Powerhouse Brick, to power my current shelf layout. That LPM is set to Command mode. My new LPM is powered from the CW80 that I use for the smaller floor layout. LPM #2 is set to Conventional mode. Now I can run all my trains with just my Legacy Remote. I will use the LPMs on my new layout, with 180W PHs for track power.

Well, the last of my shipment of track, a full loop of Lionel Fastrack O84 Curves (32 pieces) and a RH O72 Remote/Command Switch, arrived today. I now have four of the R/C Switches, and yes, they work perfectly with both the Legacy Remote and the included switch controller. All I need to do (sometime in the next few months) is purchase my backdrops (thinking about buying from TrainJunkies) and my Mianne Benchwork. Then I can get started on building my new layout. I'm pretty excited about that.

A quick update: I just placed my preorder from Trainworld for the new Lionel Base-3! Now I just need to wait a few months and I will be able to use my new base and Cab-3 App (I already have an old I-Phone I will be using), along with my Legacy Remote. I think the Base-3 will arrive sometime in February-March of next year (that's what Dave at Lionel said). I also ordered a few 3" straights that I needed for my track plan.

Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

It's time for another quick update for the train room. I now have some decorations and shelves up on the South Wall surrounding the AC Unit and my "Train Room" sign out front under the window. The shelves have a couple of train books, a candy jar that has a locomotive engraved on the glass (no candy in the jar, yet), and a Death Valley railroad spike decoration. The bandana hanging from one of the shelf supports was a gift from my grandpa when he went to the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad in Colorado (totally jealous, by the way; that rr is on my list of train places I want to visit).

My Lionel ATSF F3 sign and funny "Train Lovers Parking Only" signs are hung on the wall. The magnet on the door was a gift from my sister when she went to Denmark. She stopped by a train museum there and bought me that magnet. I needed a place to put it in the train room, and I was pleasently surprised that it stuck to the door. I also plan on adding a coat hanger made from a piece of wood and a pair of actual railroad spikes. I also have a wooden sign that spells out my name (that will get painted soon). I also have my old ATSF #8642 Atlantic Steam Loco (a conventional Lionel engine) pulling my ATSF Super Chief passenger consist around a large loop of track on the floor.

I also have one more great piece of news that I'd like to share. I just placed an order with Train Junkies for backdrops for my layout. I'm planning on using their Arizona Desert backdrop customized with some BNSF trains in the foreground. The next step (one I'm pretty excited for) is getting the benchwork ordered (I'll be using the Mianne system).


Images (3)
  • IMG_3320: Train Room sign out front
  • IMG_3655: Magnet on door
  • IMG_3658: My railroad memorabilia wall
Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

Time for another quick update. I just finalized my backdrop order from this morning. Thanks to William, who owns the company, I will soon have an awesome custom backdrop for my new layout (and thanks for your great customer service). I also placed an order with Mianne for my benchwork. Thanks to Tim for the design help and great customer service as well. Once those things arrive, then I can install both and begin working on my layout. Stay tuned. More updates are coming soon.

Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

I got a proof of concept for my new layout backdrop this morning, so here it is. This is just a proof, but it looks really good. I will use some scenery to make it look better, of course. The backdrop is 28' long and 3' high. I ordered my backdrop from Trainjunkies. I'm using their Arizona Desert Backdrop with BNSF locomotives overlayed on it. There will be a wood trim on top. The first half (or so) of the backdrop (with just desert scenery) will be placed on the south wall of my train room (near where the loco servicing facility will be located). The section with the BNSF locomotives is on the west wall of my train room (near the main yard). The backdrop will make my layout look way better. Everything is coming along nicely (and quickly). I hope you like it.

One more note: I will be using double-sided tape to install my backdrop.


Images (1)
  • SM&W RR Backdrop Proof
Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

Merry Christmas, everyone (well, early Christmas). I just got a few early Christmas presents (for myself, of course). I ordered a few more pieces of track, a couple of items I will discuss in a second, and of course, the new Lionel Base-3 (that will be here sometime next year) from Trainworld. Last week, the first package arrived. I had ordered a half-dozen pieces of the new 3" straights that I needed to complete my new layout. The second package just arrived this afternoon. In package #2, I got a pair of Fastrack O72 Switches (1 RH and 1 LH; now I have 6 switches, and I will be getting a few more). I also got a pair of LCS Sensor Tracks (something I've been wanting for a long time), and two 10' LCS PDI Cables to power the new Sensor Tracks when I get my Base-3.

Sometime next year I plan to do the following:

-Install the backdrops and benchwork

-Start laying track and wiring

-Run trains

-Install the Base-3!

-Run more trains

-Buy more trains (and run them)!

-Buy track and accessories and work on the layout

-Do scenery

-Invite friends over to see my layout and run the trains with me

Dylan, That's an impressive list.  All of us would like to accomplish that much.  However, goals were made to be broken!!    Just kidding.  I'm here to give you all the molar support I can give.  Add other Forum members doing the same, and you have a good shot at completing it long as they get those Base 3 units out to Ken this coming year. 

Happy New Year Everyone! With the new year comes another update for the Sunrise Mountain and Western Railroad (SM&W RR). This is an exciting update. My backdrop is finally installed, and it looks amazing!

I purchased a customized Arizona Desert Backdrop with BNSF locomotives from Thanks again to William for doing such a great job at making my backdrop. Thanks to my dad and Uncle Alton for helping me install the backdrop. I couldn't have done it without help. It didn't take that long at all (maybe an hour and a half or so).

I have a bit of fine tuning to do on the backdrop, and then it will be 100% finished. Then I will add a trim to the top. William at Trainjunkies suggests adding the trim.

Here are a couple of photos of me with my new benchwork. Again, it looks amazing! A backdrop really takes a train room to the next level. Next step: Benchwork!

Also, I got a new sign for my train room that reads: "Don't Argue With the Engineer!" I will put that up when I get the trim up later this week.


Images (2)
  • mceclip0: Showing off the New Backdrop
  • mceclip1: Showing off the New Backdrop 2
Last edited by Dylan the Train Man

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