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As I work for (own) a structure manufacturing company I want to be sure not to break any rules here.  As a guy who doesn't belong to ANY forums this is new territory for me.  The question I will ask is a broad one... we've introduced three new craftsman o-scale structures this year and will probably be doing another two before years end (a record for us in o-scale)... without being specific... are there a good selection of o-scale passenger stations out there or are you folks ready for another one ?  I've been on a quest to promote O-Scale this year, and have the facilities to stir things up a bit with my own company, I thought it was about time you guys got a break with items that DON'T have wheels on them !  Please remember my way of thinking only involves craftsman-quality kits... not pre-fabbed oriental stuff... If I've broken any rules asking this question please let me know, I'm trying like heck not to !...   Art, Maine

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Welcome to the OGR Forum, Art. We're glad to have you aboard! Your original post has not broken any rules - yet!


You can ask market research type questions such as you have asked here, but you can't promote your products for sale here unless you are an OGR Forum Sponsor or an advertiser in O Gauge Railroading magazine.


Good luck with your project.




THANK YOU for being a part of the forum...and for your support of this segment of the hobby!  We'd like to see you at York sometime soon....say, October!!

Looking forward to the new releases. 


First, question:  Re Earl's Oil...I understand your structures are based on existing or past (photo) NE prototypes.  If so, what could you tell me (us) about the plumbing or such that was beneath the canopy of Earl's?  I'm guessing that it had some sort of filling arrangement for getting the tank-stored products into a vehicle.  I've not had any success in finding photos of reasonably similar small business to answer this question.  I'd like to add some plumbing, but....?


Hope Nancy is doing better.




Originally Posted by Art Fahie:

As this encroaches on "company business" it's probably not right that I answer it on the forum.  As you are aware of what company I work for please contact me with this question directly and I'll be able to give you some insight....  Art

Personally, I think everyone would benefit from the answer. Those who build these kits always want to build them better.

OK, I'll respond to the original request.

I need 2 story Post WWII Western Colorado business buildings.

Probably not much different than Rural ones here in New England from the same time.

MTH makes great corner stores in 2 story, then fills the block with 3 and more story buildings.

My home town skyline never did and still does not does not pop up like that.

I am fully aware that some of the buildings had a False Front to make the 2nd story Square to the street view. Probably had / have Hip walls inside and narrow down a bit on the second floor.

I for one, would like to see false front factories and apartment bldgs in the four story and higher variety.  I have an around-the-wall layout being built in the NY/urban city scheme and real estate on this type of layout is scarce and narrow. An answer to your question on stations is that the Grand Central Terminal and the Pennsylvania Station are gorgeous however, I can't use them either because of their width or huge price tag.  If a station comes in a false front variety just a little less on the length and at a moderate cost, I would definitely purchase one.



I believe therer are quite a few rural passenger stations avaiable, both in kit form and built up, so I don't know how well another would sell unless it had some very unique features or architecture.  I see alot of kit bashing to make city stations on our forum so there may be an opportunity for a kit.  I don't consider my skills to be craftsman level but i plan on trying some kit bashing and detailing in the future.  I got several older Korber kits that I need to assmble and a number of DPM pieces to add to a DPM kit to create a two level mfr or warhouse.  That being said I might like to see A White Castle kit or drive in burger joint.



Frank053....  I don't recall EVER seeing these... either they went "spam" or are so old that my feeble old brain can't pick-up on them.  The next time I update the website I'll feature your stuff in the "BIG" slide show.  I'd be happy to get quality photos from any other forum members that might have something to share as well.  BTW, if things go as scheduled, I'll be attending the O-National in Worchester Mass. next month. (June)

Wausau, WI has a Milwaukee Road station that was used by Employers Insurance of Wausau for their logo. It is still there, I think it is an historical site now. The Milwaukee Road Historical Association would be able to help you with pictures and scale drawings. It is a beautiful depot and its design was used for numerous Milw. Rd depots. I also sent you some pictures of my recently completed Majestic Hardware. I plan on getting more of your products.

Hi Art,


As I've seen several of Frank's build threads, it was easy to figure out which kits you make.  His threads, even convinced me to try my first kit ever, Majestic Hardware.  Fun build, although I havent yet got around to finishing the roofing. 


I'm still looking for the 'right' station for my layout, although I'm not quite sure what it should look like. 



Originally Posted by Art Fahie:

are there a good selection of o-scale passenger stations out there or are you folks ready for another one ?  e



I'd be very interested in either of the below were you to be able to make the available. 


First up is the old station in Shippensburg:



and 2nd up and one that I think far more interesting and still standing so that you could get pictures and measurements from is the "new" station in Greencastle.



I just finished 3 buildings from them plus one from another company.  I found that I enjoy doing craftsman kits more then any other type on the market.  I have another kit to do from Bar Mills, then I will get back to my Ameritowne kits before I have to pack it all away.  I have to shut down my layout... Has something to do with serious basement work.  Here is a fuzzy picture of them.




Images (1)
  • DSCF3523
Last edited by Hartman


Thanks for the reply re Earl's.  That's enough to go on....time to 'wing it' from here.


Re Rich Melvin's caveats....I think you should do either or both!  This is a 'thirsty' bunch when it comes to quality quintessence in a craftsman kit.  Besides, your passion for this hobby is infectious...and you'd have/be a blast at York. 


C'mon!  Sign up!  Blow your horn, man!!  We need you at the forefront!



An alternative approach to Earl's is to consider the large storage box on the side for hose storage and keep a ladder around the area... I'm sure you get where I'm going here.  I'd like to come to York but the folks at Scenic Express have done that show for years for us and we're not looking to be competitive in any way with them.

without being specific... are there a good selection of o-scale passenger stations out there or are you folks ready for another one ?  I've been on a quest to promote O-Scale this year, and have the facilities to stir things up a bit with my own company, I thought it was about time you guys got a break with items that DON'T have wheels on them !  Please remember my way of thinking only involves craftsman-quality kits... not pre-fabbed oriental stuff..

IMHO We have a LOT of small to Medium Passenger Stations in O guage. While many were custom design, those can be custom built if needed. I preferr you limited assets and effot be spent on industries that accept Rail deliveries of supplies and/or shipping of goods. I think there is a Darth of industrial buildings done in the US designs for the ealy to mid 1900 industries as well as modern buildings Post 1980 industries.

BAckdrop building kits are just as fine as whole building kits. Good luck on your choices.

I only meant there is so much work put into your projects that it is hard to see it all at a quick look.  For instance, Frank showed what he had around the corner on his shed... a ladder, which was not seen originally.  Your work mirrors so much of real life in such a good way that it takes a long look to see all that is happening in your modeling which is a good thing.  I meant no harm.  I'm sorry if I might have created any misunderstandings.
Originally Posted by Frank53:
Originally Posted by Vulcan:

Be careful what you say, Dennis.

I'm still trying to figure it out myself . . . .

Last edited by Hartman
Originally Posted by Hartman:
I only meant there is so much work put into your projects that it is hard to see it all at a quick look.  For instance, Frank showed what he had around the corner on his shed... a ladder, which was not seen originally.  Your work mirrors so much of real life in such a good way that it takes a long look to see all that is happening in your modeling which is a good thing.  I meant no harm.  I'm sorry if I might have created any misunderstandings.
Originally Posted by Frank53:
Originally Posted by Vulcan:

Be careful what you say, Dennis.

I'm still trying to figure it out myself . . . .

No worries, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what you were driving at - all clear now though.

Link copied to your clipboard.