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I was reading a discussion about jigsaws in another thread.  In researching them I came across something I’m not familiar with, a barrel-grip jigsaw?  (I’m fairly inexperienced when it comes to woodworking.)  I’d like to ask the more accomplished carpenters/woodworkers here if you have any had any experiences or have opinions about such a handle?  Looking at it, the handle is closer to the surface you’re working on so does that mean you get more accurate, precise cuts vs. using a regular jigsaw handle?  Or is it simply a comfort thing?  Thanks.

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Personal preference, IMO.  Hand size is also a factor - smaller hands might work better with a traditional handle.  I own/use both types and don't have a strong preference.

A couple of options - go to a woodworking store such as Woodcraft or Rockler and see if they have a demo model that you can try, or go to a store with easy returns - buy one, try it, and return it if it doesn't work for you.   

Last edited by Mallard4468

IT’s mostly personal preference but the barrel grip does give you more control for precise cuts. Also it seems to me you have better line of sight of where you are cutting. However if you do a lot of cutting, gripping the barrel for long periods can tire out your hand. I typically use the barrel grip, unless I’m doing a lot of rough cutting and will use the D-grip.

But like the above comment, try it out at a wood working store and see which is best for you and what you will use it for.

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