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Is there any way to jump to a specific page number on a multiple-page thread?  Let's say, for example, there's a thread that's grown to 40 or 50 pages, and you remember you saw something on page 11.  Is there any "Go To Page # xx" function on this Forum?

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mike.caruso posted:

Is there any way to jump to a specific page number on a multiple-page thread?  Let's say, for example, there's a thread that's grown to 40 or 50 pages, and you remember you saw something on page 11.  Is there any "Go To Page # xx" function on this Forum?

I don't believe so if the page you wish to jump to is not visible atop the thread, so if it shows pages 41-50 I'm not aware of a short cut to page 29. 

BobbyD posted:
mike.caruso posted:

Is there any way to jump to a specific page number on a multiple-page thread?  Let's say, for example, there's a thread that's grown to 40 or 50 pages, and you remember you saw something on page 11.  Is there any "Go To Page # xx" function on this Forum?

I don't believe so if the page you wish to jump to is not visible atop the thread, so if it shows pages 41-50 I'm not aware of a short cut to page 29. 

It's possible, it may take several clicks of the "..." page indicator to get in the desired range:



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mike.caruso posted:

Yeah I know that you can go to "page 76" by doing multiple clicks until the range you want shows up.  I was just curious if there were a "Go To Page 76" short cut to avoid all the clicking.  Thanks.

I don't understand your statement about "all the clicking".  If the whole thread had 15 or 20 pages, and you want to view page 9, just click on "9". What could be easier?  I've done just that many times.

Can you jump to a specific page within a thread? The answer is yes, if you are careful and know what you're doing.

There is no built-in way to do this via the normal method of clicking a link. However, you can do this via two other methods:

    In a multiple page thread, the URL for a specific page will show like this:
    Note the "?page=136" at the end of the URL. If you know how to change the URL in the address bar, you can change it there. Just enter the page number you want in place of the existing page number.
    A better way would be to Bookmark the page. Go to the page you want to save and Bookmark it. The URL saved in the Bookmark will contain the page number, so when you use that Bookmark, the same page will always display.

You could also keep track of the actual last post you viewed if you use the "Permalink" pull down from "Take Action" before bookmarking.

That way you pick up exactly where you left off (assuming the post doesn't get deleted).  Just be aware to remove the old bookmarks so you can keep track of which one is the most recent.


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