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Did anyone from here pick up the marvellous Karl Bub loco that just sold on ebay ???

I had a go but my meagre funds stood not a chance LOL!!

Marvelous buy and rare as I believe ? I have only seen a photo of one in one place on the web ( the TCA page on Bub )

It was looking riduculously cheep until the final 3 seconds of the auction

( where I got well and truly put in my place )


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It wasnt so much an outrageous price , but for me with the current conversion rate (0.65USD to 1AUD) and very high quoted shipping ($60US ) working out at a conservative AUD of $375 all up , THEN you add in our delightful Government who add on a cheery 10% levied on both the shipping and delivery charge , it was getting up there to be $410AUD+ ... which to give you an idea is about 45% of my fortnightly pensioned income LOL!!!

For what it was I personally think it was a very fair price ( if you lived in the US ) and someone got a great piece , I was just hoping it was " one of us "

To give you an idea it was @ 54 USD with 5 seconds to go ... then it was whoever wanted it most in the flurry of snipe bids ( which is the point of auctions I guess)  I gave it my best shot but fell short

Next Time !!! ( yeah right LOL )



Fatman posted:

Cant give away all my Google Fu  Bear

You often find bargains outside of the "train" listings ... that particular one was in Vintage Toys

Darn.. I just gave it away didnt I?


Thanks . I have made some amazing finds off the trains pages.

Either bargains or the $50 Marx caboose that Flea Market Freddie found last weekend.

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