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     I know this has been discussed on this forum previously but some details elude me. I am trying to pin down exactly how to work around the bug with version 4.2. that causes problems with lash-ups.    I operate in Super Mode and have been  successful in creating lash ups.  I always use engines that were added to the same TIU and I keep each lash up in the operating area of only one TIU.  Even though I am in Super Mode, I do  not cross my lash-ups into other TIU's territories.  This usually works ok but from time to time the lash up fails to work and I end up having to rebuild it.  Is there anything else I should be doing until MTH gets this fixed?  Phil   

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Hi Phil,


You've got most of the details down.  Add all the engines into the remote and create the lash-up on the same TIU.  You can drive from one TIU to another without any trouble.  However, if you want to bring any of the constituent engines back into the active list you will need to drive onto the original TIU.  What might be causing you some trouble is if you ever press the "READ" button.  That will cause the engines to re-associate with whichever TIU they are on at the time of the read.


BTW, did you get your speed matching issue resolved and/or diagnosed?



Please explain what you mean by "the lashup fails to work".


The bug is that when a lashup is in one TIU's territory, any members that were added to the remote in a different TIU's area cannot be gotten out of the Inactive List. The lashup itself should still be operational.


The workaround for this is to drive the lashup into the domain of the TIU where its members were added, and then to attempt to access the members directly.


What exactly is the problem that you're experiencing?

Hi Phil,


The only other cause that comes to mind is if some of your track is connected to a different TIU than you think it is, or possibly a lighted car or engine is bridging between TIU's.  I can see some chance that the wrong TIU might detect the engine first and trigger the error message.


Dave, I did solve my lash-up speed issue.  Take a look at the thread.  I simply found that lash-up performance was being affected by how heavy a train I was trying to pull.


I posted on that thread after you mentioned this resolution.  I think your decapod has a problem.  I suggested a couple tests to pin down the problem engine.  Please have a look at my post.

I should add that I currently have three different two unit lash-ups.  All my MTH engines have been  added to one of my four TIU's which I call TIU 1.   One of the lash-ups operates in the territory controlled by TIU 1 and two other lash-ups follow each other on a big loop  in TIU 2's territory.  Much of the time the lash-ups work fine.  But now and then the problem I outlined earlier happens.  Do you think my particular situation is unrelated to software bugs and I should look for other causes?   Phil

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