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My wife, God Bless her, has told me to add another 8x8 addition to my layout. That means I will need to replace sections of strait track in my existing lay out to insert switches to access the new area. The question I have is there an easy way to remove the existing track. At this point I am thinking I need to remove all the screws that hold the track down along a twenty foot section to where my curves are so that I can dislodge two straight sections of track to insert a switch.  Am I missing an easier way that would not involve the moving of all this track and the ballast?

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I would start by unscrewing  the curve nearest the track to be removed.  My second choice would be to unscrew several pieces of track to either side of the piece to be removed.  The method you use depends on the track system you are using.

With Lionel O I have used needle nose pliers to push the pins deeper into the track and the loosened pieces to either side and pulled the piece out.

With Atlas O I side the rail joiners completely off the track to be removed.  I then loosen the two sections and lift and twist to undo the tie connectors under the outside rails.  Worst case is that I have to cut off the male part on the non-turnout piece.

What track system are you using?


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