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Hello everyone! This is my first post and also my first build of a train layout. I am interested in doing a Christmas Layout that is portable and I wish to do something identical to the attached video. I have so many questions!!!! LOL!! I have a Lionel Polar Express O Gauge Fastrack that I wish to use and I am curious as to max incline, and how to start designing my track layout? Thanks so much and I am looking forward to any and all comments!

Happy New Year!!

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First step is deciding if you want to use software. If you do, I recommend trying either SCARM or AnyRail (Windows) or Rail Modeler Pro (Mac). Here's a very "quick" version done in SCARM using FasTrack O-48 curves. As you can see, it needs a space that is 13'x14'. Track count is 55, so it's well within the 100 track limit of the free trial version of SCARM. The green track is elevated to 5.5", the height of the Lionel FasTrack Elevated Trestle set, and you can see the grades. You can do a smaller version using O-36 curves, but it's not going to look like what's in the video because of the tight curves and the bottom grade will be steeper unless you lengthen the loop by adding straight sections making it an oval. You can do a larger version with O-54 and O-72 curves to get smoother curves closer to the video, but that requires more space. Portability is problematic, you'd have to break the layout into much smaller modules.

Chip 2020-12-31


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  • Chip 2020-12-31
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Hi Dave! OMG!! That looks exactly like it!! I joined looking for some advice and some pointers to help me to try and figure this out and I believe you answered EVERYTHING!! LOL!! This is AMAZING!!! I didn’t know of the track layout software and I was struggling trying to figure all that I would as in pieces of track. You even colored the inclines and this is AWESOME!! HAHA!! Cannot say Thank You enough for taking the time you did to help me out! It is very much appreciated and hopefully I can return the favor to someone on here with something sometime!

Take Care and Happy New Year Dave!

Well, here are 2 options if you're willing to convert to a 2-level design with 2 trains. Both are basically the same with O-31 curves, but the 2nd is offset and the bottom level expanded out a bit. There's just no way to get an over/under in the space. Both could be cut in half for 3'x4' or 4'x4' modules.

Chip 2020-12-31b 3dChip 2020-12-31bChip 2020-12-31c 3dChip 2020-12-31c


Oh wow!! Thanks Dave! Could I please kindly ask to have a list of what would be required to do the blue line listed below? The whole idea was to incorporate our Dept 56 Christmas houses with our train and have it circle the tree off of the table. I saw the video that I shared and was not able to handle the size as I thought I could. Plus, for a first timer, I am still trying to pull all this together and really cannot thank you enough for all of your time, patience, and work put into helping me and my family with our project! You have been an amazing help!!




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