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Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

I'm also a senior, and my layout, like Tom's, is on Mianne benchwork.  From floor to table top, it measures about 42"--high enough, but I guess I would really like it to be at about 50" if I had my druthers.

I just visited the Mianne website and apparently upon ordering you can specify the leg heights is so desired.  I'm with you, 50" is where I'm aiming.

Mine is 42" high which works out perfectly for me to sit in my stadium seat and reach up. Except to connect switchstand lanterns, there is nothing left to do or maintain. I rough wired the layout--railpower bus, switch motors, lighting,etc-- before installing the decking which saved an enormous amount of time below getting train-back/train-neck.




Last edited by Dewey Trogdon

I really like 48" It is half of an eight foot board and seems the right height to me. I am 5'8" in height. However I cut my display down to 41" because something always seemed wrong about the look of the layout?   It was to close to the ceiling. lowering made a big difference 

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