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I’m relatively new at this and need some help with my layout. I recently discovered this website
and SCARM. To say I’m struggling with SCARM is putting it mildly. I have attached a picture
of my existing layout and a drawing of my baseboard. I would like to incorporate two trains, a
mountainous area with a tunnel or two, a way to reverse the train so it doesn’t always go in the
same direction, maybe an elevated area.  I am using FasTrack, O guage. I am open to whatever your creative minds can suggest and appreciate any help you may provide.




Images (1)
  • ExistingLayout
Files (1)
Original Post

Nice bench work! I am a fan of Mianne. As for the layout help there are a few folks around here that are very good with SCARM and like drawing layout plans. I am not one of them, but I imagine they will be along here sometime. Was going to suggest you provide dimensions, but I see that is all in the PDF file, looks like you are covered and good luck. Also welcome to the OGR forum, no better place to learn than here.

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