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Hello fellow railroaders. 

For years I've been toying with layout ideas based on a few layouts found in an occasional nice layout in GREAT MODEL RAILROADS and recently I've been checking out layouts in the O SCALE RESOURCE MAGAZINE.

I like a 32'x58' layout in the July/August 2017 Issue of O Scale Resource&also another 15'9"x41'8" layout in the Jan/Feb 2018 Issue of the same mag. I have a 50'ft lengthx25' width with a furnace &water equipment with the water equipment taking up a good 5'x15' on the 50ft  length on the southside of my layout area.

I'm concentrating on heavy industrial switching on the entire layout,while keeping room for 2 side by side mainline tracks at some point in the layouts future,but I'm thinking of possibly having 1 mainline for now with a passing track.

The era is modern,having rolling stock&diesels from mostly 1990-today,with some rolling stock going back to the late '70s.

1.Industries to be modeled are 1or2 grain elevators,

2. A fertilizer facility receiving 4750 cvd hoppers of dry fertilizer&anhydrous ammonia tankers,

3. A paper factory possibly making boxes,also,

4.A soft drink facility receiving tankers of corn syrup,

5. A foam production factory receiving tankers of chemicals and possibly shipping out loaded boxcars of foam bales,

8. A lumber facility receiving bulkhead flats and center beam lumber cars.

The mainline radius I'm planning on using is 50" on main lines or 54" at tops.

So far I have  ideas but the area I have seems like it's still too small for the industries desired. Grain trains will be 9-10 cars in length not counting motive power. Local freights will be 1 or 2 GP-40s or 38s.

This is just a rough outline but am looking for ideas in magazines or just ideas from fellow modelers. Models range about 1 layout out of all the rest in an issue of Great Model Railroads,so my research material seems limited. As you gentlemen know,the models in modeling magazines are few compared to the layout ideas in other scales.

Many thanks to all in advance, for all your help and ideas.

As Always,

Al Hummel


Original Post

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Sounds like you have about a 35' X 20' area for your layout, which would be considered by a lot of people as a large layout and I don't see any reason why you couldn't fit all your industries in that size layout, given the right design.

My suggestion would be to search this Forum for designs by some of our regular layout posters and see if anything catches your eye. In addition, I would download a layout design program such as SCARM or AnyRail and experiment with designing your own basic layout. In addition to just the track layout, most of them have features where you can also input structures, which will allow you to see if all your industries will fit, as long as you know the dimensions of your structures.

Once you have a basic design and can import it to the Forum, there are a lot of people here who can help you fine tune it to what you are looking for.

For now, aside from minutia, the advice I would offer you would be to take your time.

You will be sorry when it's "finished," believe me. Of course, you will be happy when it is finished, too. Did I just contradict myself? Wait. You'll see.front

That is, we get so caught up in the creative adventure of it all  that we may allow or urge ourselves to rush through it.


Additionally, it is a very motivating factor to accomplish a bit of work quickly so that you can zip back here to the forum to get feedback and encouragement, and perhaps even advice and criticism. Take your time. We will be waiting, happily and patiently, quite ready to cheer you onward.looking toward neck

Slow down.Enjoy the whole process. Soon, you will be done, and you will miss the excitement of all that creative success and accomplishment. Then, you will start re-doing areas. Watch. You will see.


Creating a layout is a whole lot of reward for creative energies spent and invested well in yourself. It is addictive. And very, very rewarding. Yet, the fun changes, Alan.kk



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  • kk
  • front
  • IMG_5534x
  • looking toward neck
  • IMG_0852
Last edited by Moonson

Here is my 36X22 island loop to loop, gives me a mainline about 300 feet in length. 120" dia. curves, 2% grade.  Train lengths of 15 scale cars plus locomotives operates the best. I have about seven industries to serve. Wish it was 8 feet longer. width is ok. This might help you visualize your space. I really like an island layout with center access, gives me two views of all track.





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  • IMG_5665

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