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Here is one plan in two different room orientations, making a 12X17 and a 14X14 layout.   Minimums are O-72 Fastrack and O-72 turnouts.   I wanted to see what could be done with this type of track plan using O-72 Fastrack and turnouts.   I was able to make it work out nice enough.  The grades are 3% for the outer track and 3.4% for the inner track, to reach 6" in height.   The outer curves are a combination of O-72, O-84, and O-96 to keep the center rail parallel distance at 4.5".

Access/reach is a problem with turnback curves of O-72 and wider, so I added 2'X2' access hatches.   I disguised one hatch as part of a town with structures and a road to hide the hatch edges.   For the other I will add a barn, farmhouse, and outbuildings.

Both routes can access the station in the middle and can cross over to change mains.   There is a yard with a coal loader, water tank, and across the yard an engine house.   Switching in the yard uses the inside route as the yard switch lead, but the outside route can continue to run without blocking.   Switching the industries uses the yard track as a switch lead, so no blocking of main lines for this work.



Images (2)
  • M1217-01_v2a
  • M1414-01_v2a
Last edited by Ken-Oscale
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While the first plan seems to give you better access, it still has a duck under in two places.  Plus it has two hatches.

The second plan looks like it gives you larger radii.  You still have the two hatches, but may need a third behind the station.

Does the drawing outline indicate the room walls ? 

Hi Dan, yes the drawing outline represents the room walls, either 14X14 or 12X17.   The plans are scaled differently for the web page presentation (which is done by the web page hosting software, not by me), so they look like they are different sizes.

Actually, the track plans are exactly the same, just tilted.

Access is indeed different for the two room orientations, better for the 12X17 I think.   But the 12X17 has three access areas, and depending on where the door is, one has to travel under the layout to reach the other access areas.   I would build the layout a bit higher than average, perhaps at 48", and then use a low stool or lowered office chair on wheels to scoot while sitting to get between the access areas.  -doable, but perhaps not ideal, and depending on the room access, one might end up doing a lot of "scooting" to get around.   Perhaps best if the floor is not carpeted, to make the rolling easier.

Last edited by Ken-Oscale

This diagram shows the idea of a "scooting" aisleway to connect the three access areas.  I am too old to be stooping and crawling, so the idea of sitting and scooting appeals to my situation.   I got the idea from someone here on the forum who has been using this for their layout - I thought it an excellent idea.  This shows a 3' wide passageway - plenty of width.   There is plenty of storage area under the rest of the layout.


This idea can also make wiring easier:  power mains can run through this passageway, so one can sit beneath the layout and reach up to do wiring.   Most of the turnouts are above the passageway, so they can also be wired while sitting comfortably beneath the layout.


Images (1)
  • M1217-01_v2b
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

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