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What is your AC voltage source? 

Even if you found a LED tape that had a bridge-rectifier I think it unlikely you have a fixed AC voltage that a bridge-rectifier alone would convert to a DC voltage suitable to drive an LED tape at ~12V DC.

Better to use a "standard" DC LED tape to take advantage of the huge volumes, wide selection, and pricing advantages rather than an obscure, limited selection, low-volume, undoubtedly higher-priced AC LED tape (if it even exists).  Then figure out what you need to do to convert whatever AC voltage you have to a suitable DC voltage.

I brought three reels of these:

Select the color you want, I used warm white, and the size, SMD model 3528, 300 LED's is 2.99 with free shipping.  I use these in all my Flyer passenger cars and cabooses,  the lighting is so much more even now, if you use the cool white ones it just looks like you have fluorescent lighting...Package should arrive in about 9 days...


Wow - that's cheap. Thought I was doing good at $5-6 a roll. 

I also like using the 2596 DC-DC converters to get a fixed output voltage (plus I use a bridge on input, and a  capacitor at each end of the 2596s to keep em lit), once  you get to 11V, it's fixed brightness. I tried some of the smaller DC-DC units with no joy - but also running a 2 foot string of the LED's, so current might have been a little high. 

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