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I am refurbishing my 342 Culvert Loader (postwar version) for the second time. I've been through this process before and I am up on all previous posts about how temperamental the adjustments can be.  But this time, instead of just reworking the existing spring and string I am buying new from the Train Tender.  I note that there are TWO kinds of string, and TWO choices on springs.  The 345-80 from Train Tender is white cord, and the 345-80B is black cord.  Is there any PERFORMANCE difference or is it just color? I ordered both. And on the spring, the original is 342-132, but there is also a 342-118. I ordered both on these also. I know all about roughing up the pulley groove with sandpaper for better grip. Anyone with experience of the variations of these two parts, please add to the conversation.

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