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Hi. Does anybody have an actual picture of a Lionel D-263 Dealer layout?  I've got the track plans but, I've not run across a actual picture.  There is a picture of it in the Lionel Display Layouts You Can Build book but I'd prefer a better picture.  Googling didn't return any pics.



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RideTheRails posted:
johnstrains posted:

There's probably a color photograph in the Classic Toy Trains special issue on Lionel Dealer Displays. That issue came out about a year ago and featured most, not all, of the Dealer Displays.

I have the special issue, there is not.  In fact, it is skipped over, actual pics go from a D-262 to a D-264,

I've got the DVD with all of the Lionel Display Layouts. Has a picture, track plan and wiring for each. It looks like (from above) that you already have the black and white picture (which is what I have) but if you're interested in the other items I can email to you.

RideTheRails posted:
Moonman posted:

Here's what I could come up with

Oh, and one more thing.  You all should look closely at the picture that Moonman posted.  The helicopter car must have been a prototype because I've never seen one with that type of helicopter.

You may have identified a unicorn. The instructions are dated 1959. I cannot find any digital evidence of one either. The only person that I can think of that may have an idea is Bob Osterhoff,

Last edited by Moonman

I remember reading somewhere (probably in CTT) that sometimes there were scheduling conflicts between delivery of new accessories and the production of Lionel Dealer Displays by the shop. Some accessories made it in time, others didn’t. Might explain the appearance of prototypes in some of the display photos.

I know that for the layout I’m building (the D-105) the 497 coaling station was brand new that year (’53?) and while it did appear in the layout picture it didn’t always make it to dealers in time for inclusion on the display.

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