I started converting one of my Lone Stars to a Kenifick since I didn't want to purchase the whole Bush train to get this one car. Still trying to optimize the drum head.

That looks great. Did you use Molotow chrome ink on the railings, drumhead and other metal trim? I was thinking of doing the same with mine when I can get to it - although the broad tip pens Molotow comes in tend to spread the cover around unevenly. I have airbrushed it successfully but not tried hand brushing a three-dimensional assembly like yours.
Regarding John Rowlen's earlier post, I have not seen this Excursion car interior assembly before - either for the dome table seating or main level:

Interesting to see how Lionel dealt with this dome dining car, including eliminating partitions that in their other Excursion car interiors run down the middle of windows! However, I can't see that you'd get anything but legless passenger figures seated at those one-piece molded dining tables . . .