Yesterday I got two of the new hotbox reefers. This is my first impressions and a peak inside the car.
First thing I noticed was the brass walkway on top of both cars had a wrinkle in it. They have small dabs of glue in each stake that holds it down after working through both cars I was successful at flattening the ATSF one but not the PFE.
Second, this is probably the biggest problem I’ve found yet. The magnetic ring for the Hall effect sensor on both cars came loose. Depending which way it slides off this could short to the center rail roller. 5 minutes and a drop of CA glue and that was fixed, not ideal but if this is the biggest problem then it’ll be ok.
My only other critique is there’s not any kadee mounting pads. But that’s just my problem I’ve been playing with them and I’m currently 1/4 in and 3/4 out currently so I’ll live.
Currently my only operating note is they used a silicone check valve at the smoke fill hole witch so far I like and don’t expect to have a problem but it should be noted you’ll probably have to push your pipette or eye dropper to the bottom of the valve so it’s forced open and you smoke fluid goes into the unit.
This uses a new RSR1 board that handles the sound and has the radio receiver built in as a daughter card like Lionel has been doing the the LCP boards
There is a separate SCR1 that controls the smoke unit. Don’t have a great picture of it it’s hidden behind a bunch of wires.
I do like the placement of the run program switch inside the reefer door this time I found that clever. And I was surprised to see a trim pot for volume