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Does anybody have some constructive information on the proper removal of the truck assemblies on a uni-body Domino Sugar tank car product # 6-17674 car #3010?   The truck installed on the tank car is a different one (bottom lever actuated knuckle coupler release type) than Lionel lists as the replacement truck for the tank car (thumb tack type knuckle coupler release type).  The  screw hole shown in the photo was removed in hopes that this would release the truck assembly from the body by carefully slipping it away from the body.  It does not seem to release the truck from the body.  I know it should be relatively easy but a careful nudge has not influenced it whatsoever.  Both trucks have been damaged and must be replaced.

Domino Sugar tank carDomino Sugar tank car


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  • Domino Sugar tank car
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The truck assembly does pivot on a rivet that is probably secured by an E clip located on the underside of the truck assembly.  The whole truck assembly must be removed in some fashion from the bottom side of the tank car to access the backside of the rivet to release its retainer.  Other Lionel truck assemblies on different freight cars could be released easily by removing a screw and sliding the truck assembly away from the car.

Das Boot,

I thought about that idea but the end caps seem to be thoroughly sealed and too difficult to remove.  As you are very aware, I do not want to damage the tank car by improperly removing the end caps by force.  That is why I was asking the community if anyone knew an easy manner to access the underside of the truck assemblies to remove them from the main body.  Do you have any suggestions or methodology to remove the end caps properly.

@J611Man posted:

Das Boot,

I thought about that idea but the end caps seem to be thoroughly sealed and too difficult to remove.  As you are very aware, I do not want to damage the tank car by improperly removing the end caps by force.  That is why I was asking the community if anyone knew an easy manner to access the underside of the truck assemblies to remove them from the main body.  Do you have any suggestions or methodology to remove the end caps properly.

You are right, the caps can be a pain to remove. Having kit bashed several of these Lionel cars in the past, the caps (unless they have been glued) will release from the main shell. Depending upon the model and year manufactured, you normally have to disassemble most of the car. It will take time and patience to complete.


I love your solution!!  If the car was mine, I would try to fix it.  But if I failed and screwed up the car, I probably would find another type of tank car that was more feasible to repair upon failure.  This car is a friends tank car that he dropped onto the a hard floor and damaged the trucks.  I thought I could fix it for him without too much difficulty but that does not look too feasible now.  Thanks for the comment.

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