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Here is the Field of dreams team I bought from the Choo Choo Barn around 1995 for $150:

imageJust like in Field of Dreams, my guys are tired of practicing. They want to play another team.

Does anyone else have an O Gauge baseball team my guys can play a game with? Better hurry up and show me before we all disappear into the cornfield.

Shoeless Joe


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Here we have some real hard working little guys:

imageI'm particularly pleased about the background. Beyond the track is my feeble attempt at making a water stream, consisting of mere light blue paper. However, in this picture the fluorescent light above is reflected on that light blue paper giving it a hint of rapids (with a little imagination).


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Back to baseball:

imageNotice the fans are sitting in the left field stands at Yankee Stadium (again with a little imagination). The yellow left field foul pole involved very advanced modeling: a soda straw painted yellow with acrylic paint and glued in place using a dab of Elmers Glue. 

Those are the correct dimensions of Yankee stadium down the left field line (301 feet) and straight away left field (402 feet) when Don Larsen pitched a perfect game in the World Series in 1956. I was 5 years old then and if you look carefully you can see me sitting in the stands.😀


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Sometimes a scene with not to many LPs tell a story. Here it is Saturday morning, most are sleeping in late, a few people driving on a humid summer morning to work, pick up supplies, or just a morning drive in their convertibles. The corner Ice Cream shop is open and already has a customer who is enjoying the morning and watching the cars go by. At the Sinclair Gas Station, full service, Joe Oaks is filling the tank of my dads new 56 Ford. Joe has an antique he's been working on for months, hoping to get it ready by August for the coming festival. Behind one can see the Agar refrigerated cars going to the towns new plant site, Agar Ham processing plant. Its a time, place, and repeated over almost every weekend in a small town I grew up with.




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josef posted:

Sometimes a scene with not to many LPs tell a story. Here it is Saturday morning, most are sleeping in late, a few people driving on a humid summer morning to work, pick up supplies, or just a morning drive in their convertibles. The corner Ice Cream shop is open and already has a customer who is enjoying the morning and watching the cars go by. At the Sinclair Gas Station, full service, Joe Oaks is filling the tank of my dads new 56 Ford. Joe has an antique he's been working on for months, hoping to get it ready by August for the coming festival. Behind one can see the Agar refrigerated cars going to the towns new plant site, Agar Ham processing plant. Its a time, place, and repeated over almost every weekend in a small town I grew up with.



Another story teller. Enjoyed the story about your people, Josef.

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