I have a 2-8-0 steam engine (H 10) MTH which stopped dead on the track. It was running like a champ with about 45 min. running time . This is what I have checked so far.
Power to track ok, Wheels are clean. Pins from tender to engine are clean. Track clean and moved engine to diff. locations on layout. Changed batteries in hand held. Tried resetting engine to Factory settings and Featrue. Removed engine from hand held and tried to install engine ( No Engine to install and out of range, Engine not on track etc.) Took all other engines off track while trying all these things.
My layout is a two tier set up and the EVO on the top tier runs great. They are run by the same equipment. I am ready to buy some one a bus ticket to Shickshinny, Pa to come and check this system out. I am truly besides my self. And nether one of us can figure it out. ????? Thanks!!