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I have a 2-8-0 steam engine (H 10) MTH  which stopped dead on the track. It was running like a champ with about 45 min. running time . This is what I have checked so far. 

Power to track   ok,   Wheels are clean. Pins from tender to engine are clean. Track clean and moved engine to diff. locations on layout. Changed batteries in hand held. Tried resetting engine to Factory settings and Featrue. Removed engine from hand held and tried to install engine ( No Engine to install and out of range, Engine not on track etc.) Took all other engines off track while trying all these things. 

     My layout is a two tier set up and the EVO on the top tier runs great. They are run by the same equipment. I am ready to buy some one a bus ticket to Shickshinny, Pa to come and check this system out. I am truly besides my self. And nether one of us can figure it out. ?????     Thanks!!

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If this is a 200o to 2003 vintage engine with an 8.4V battery it is the old PS-2 5V system and may have just died.  This happens even on low run engine.  It would need to be repaired with upgrade board.  Either PS-2 3V or PS-32 with 5V connectors.

Having said that have you tried to operate it conventionally. NO TIU.  If it still is dead.  Most likely  bad board.  G

Is it dead in conventional mode as well??

 (no tiu) or turn off the dcs signal with menu/dcs set up/ AOF   this will turn off the dcs signal. 

Turn it back on with    Menu/dcs set up/ AON....all signals on.

It could be a disconnected wire from the rollers somewhere along the line to the circuit board or even the  plug  itself..It has the tack reader as well.

Barry Broskowitz posted:

This is the wrong forum for this post. There's a DCS/PS2/PS3 forum for things like this. This forum's description clearly states:

"Post your GENERAL COMMENTS and questions about our products here."

You know you may need to learn some respect for others. Instead of emailing the person and telling him he posted in the wrong area MR.Perfect here goes after the guy in the open forum ( why am I easy to show you what it like when some one decides to be a AH and saw into some one in the open forum). I do not know the starter of this post but your the only one who had a problem with it. But I guess you never make a mistake MR.PERFECT 

It's ones like you that make this forum hostile at times. Oh by the way his email as yours was in his profile I looked. 

John Y, it would help prospective diagnosticians if you furnished the loco model number, and any other details, like:  Any other locos affected?  Have you checked track voltage?  Is there a 2-rail/3-rails switch that got jostled to the wrong position?  Have you checked wires from pickups? Has the plug come loose on the board?  Is tether tight?  etc.

Last edited by RJR


Instead of emailing the person and telling him he posted in the wrong area MR.Perfect here goes after the guy in the open forum

Get off of your high horse and exercise some common sense.

First, posting the message in the thread itself advises others that the thread was posted in the wrong forum and will likely be moved.

Second, I also used the "Take Action" button to alert the moderators that the thread was misplaced. They must haveagreed with me that the thread was misplaced, since they moved the thread.

Third, moving the thread to this forum also had the benefit to the OP of placing his issue where more of the proper attention would be paid to it so that the issue could be better addressed. Those who best understand DCS and PS2/PS3 tend to read the DCS/PS2/PS3 Forum most regularly.

MR.Perfect here goes after the guy in the open forum

I am most definitelynot "Mr. Perfect" so when you catch me in a technical or other mistake, feel free to point it out. I assure you that I have bene accused of making a technical error from time to time. However, on those occasions I typically either defend my position or admit to the error, as appropriate.

It's ones like you that make this forum hostile at times.

I'd really like to know what you found so"hostile" in my post. It really seems as if you're seeing something that simply isn't there. Further, you picked a fight with me so how am I the bad guy?

You know you may need to learn some respect for others

As far as respect goes, you've neither shown me any respect or earned any respect from me.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

Barry it was more the way you did it than doing. bold and bigger letters etc. Sorry to me you come across arrogant. You may not mean to but to me it was. I was under the impression that we're suppose to be here to help each other not jump down each other's back. 

You don't make an example out of one person to prove a point. Personally if you post some where wrong fine tell the moderators it's there job. If something is to be said let them it's there job not yours

I didn't pick a fight with you I plainly stated the way you did it I felt was flat out wrong. And yes two wrongs do not make a right, and I shouldn't of followed your example as I saw it. 

Last edited by rtraincollector

Good morning to all: WOW!!!   I surly did not want to cause all this controversy, It's an HO engine so I thought this was the place. , Guess I was wrong. Sorry. Thank you those who helped. I will check all the things you suggested. As far as MR, Barry, You did come across strong. This is a site for the people in the know, and for the people who are just learning or need to know. Don't chase any one away with a better than thow attitude. No hard feelings on my part. Bill ,  and the others; Thank you. I"ll let you know how I made out. 

I suppose that one of the lessons that all of us need to learn is to completely describe the problem when asking for help.  This includes basic informations such as the type of engine (HO, O 3-rail, O 2-rail, PS-1, 2, or 3, battery, BCR, engine model number, etc.)  This would go a long way to getting a the right answer as quickly as possible.  For example, you won't get any advice about checking the battery on a PS-3 engine because those engines don't have batteries.  

I am surprised that you are running a HO PS-3 engine using DCS.  Everyone that I know who runs MTH engines with command control uses DCC.  (I am a member of a large HO club and many of the guys have MTH engines.)

 I have two scale wheel MTH O gauge PS-3 engines.  I only run them in the 2-rail mode using DCC.  

NH Joe


Last edited by New Haven Joe
John Y. posted:

Good morning to all: WOW!!!   I surly did not want to cause all this controversy, It's an HO engine so I thought this was the place. , Guess I was wrong. Sorry. Thank you those who helped. I will check all the things you suggested. As far as MR, Barry, You did come across strong. This is a site for the people in the know, and for the people who are just learning or need to know. Don't chase any one away with a better than thow attitude. No hard feelings on my part. Bill ,  and the others; Thank you. I"ll let you know how I made out. 

HO is another ball,  Do need specific engine model, but draw bar connection is still a suspect.  Will tender turn on by itself with sounds?  G

To: GGG      Checked all connections and draw bar is two niples facing down and are inserted between two pieces of spring loaded type copper strips. Both clean and connecting. I'm going to include the type of engine again. It is : MTH HO Item #80-3240-1   2-8-0 Steam Engine  {Pa#7103} Proto 3.0.

I checked it all out again and removed the tender shell. Only plug I saw was the reverse light plug. Don't want to take the shell off the engine for fear that MTH will say I broke it or void the warren-tie by removing the shell.     Thanks for the help .  Ps : tried attachment of engine??


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