2 rail based comments:
This can vary depending on your choice of flex track. Some very flexible track really needs careful tangent alignment.
I use a variety of methods.
4',6' & 9' steel straight edges for along the tie edges.
Eight foot 1 1/4" wide steel or Masonite insert strips with holes drilled for Atlas pre formed mid tie holes. This is great for going over bridges and flowing over prebuilt factory turnouts. Old and new Atlas use somewhat similar hole spacing.
When spacing out multiple tracks I use strips cut for between the tie ends. For wide curves I cut them in to 2" lengths, shorter for tighter.
Snap lines may mislead some. IMO, kinda ok for laying split roadbed but it falls somewhat shy of precise for track. You need to choose which edge of the line to use or it can set up mild wiggles. I use lasers but again the line is a tad wide. I use 360 degree rotating lasers for setting benchwork but not for the track. We also have an X laser used for floors, walls and ceilings but IMO not that practical for track laying.
IMO, nothing beats a mechanical straight (or curved) edge.