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I thought I would update you with the progress on my newest layout that basically uses half of the new workshop space of 22' x 22'.

Right now I'm sort of bogged down on making the 18 required #5 switches.  While the switches are hand built, I am using Atlas and Micro Engineering flextrack.  The frogs are the hardest, but I can do one switch a day.  I'm about half way there now.

2016-07-20 13.41.23

2016-07-20 13.42.082016-07-20 13.42.142016-07-20 13.41.472016-07-20 13.40.34

2016-07-20 13.49.36


The below is  one of two home-made throttles:

2016-07-20 13.50.46

This is an Eric Stevens dollar car, built from old MR plans.  LOL - Dollar Car



Thanks for looking...





Images (11)
  • 2016-07-20 13.41.23: View of river area
  • 2016-07-20 13.42.08
  • 2016-07-20 13.42.14
  • 2016-07-20 13.41.47
  • 2016-07-20 13.40.34
  • 2016-07-20 13.49.36
  • 20160720_134908
  • 2016-07-20 13.50.46
  • 20160720_135207
  • 20160720_135150
  • DSC02884
Original Post

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Thanks for the nice comments.  I have been building models since I was 12 years old and I'm a heck of a lot older than that now.  Keep plugging away at it, that's how you improve.  

My first switch took me 4 days.  Now I can complete a switch in a day, and that includes spiking it to the layout.

If you do any soldering, it is real handy to have a resistance soldering unit.  I built mine from an old 3V transformer, but you can buy them as well.  For me, the only big expense was the footpedal and the meters.  

Thanks...   Tom

Hi Rick:

I had the lamps on hand and I like to re-purpose.  They appear to work well with the cathedral ceiling and I eventually will change the CFC's to LED spots.  I can then also use dimmers.

The red caboose has only the Kaydee couplers and 2 brake wheels that were purchased.  Everything else is scratch built.  I turned the wheels from brass and they are sprung by using the springs from old inner tube valves.  I made a small brass lantern for the rear which is lighted.  I made red and green lenses for the lantern from an old light-bright game.

I am retired and have more time than money.  I am saving up to purchase Tortoise switch machines.


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