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In the past I have successfully replaced the collector plate by first removing the wheels and axels. Than using a pair of battery terminal pliers to spread the motor side frame plates. Start at one end and spread the opening enough to use a thin flat blade screwdriver to lift the tab out of the slot. Than repeat at the other end. Follow up in the center. Replace the collector plate will require you to follow the same procedure. Once installed you need to check to see if you need to squeeze the plates in a vice to make sure you’re back in position. Pliers can be found on Amazon or local auto parts stores. Hopefully this helps.

I use a large pair of snap ring pliers, working from front to back, with the motor clamped in a vise to stabilize it…..I don’t pull wheels, but I can see where that would be helpful,……the trick is to spread it just enough to pop the ears out one at a time, don’t kink the sheet metal frame sides…….the sides have just enough springiness to accomplish this,…..same idea as Rich above, the snap ring pliers will spread the sides to walk out the plate ….


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