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I'm pretty sure there are some 2R members of forum that use Micro Engineering Code 148 Flex Track (thinking of using unweathered rail).  Has it worked well for you?

I believe I some have also adapted it for 3R use.  Has it worked well for you?  Will it run K-Line Passenger Cars (larger ones not the Plastic Streamliners)?

Thanks to all that can help me with this!

Last edited by MainLine Steam
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I used Micro Engineering code 145 (unweathered) on my layout; it was easy to install and looks great after spraying the ties and rails with ultra-flat camouflage brown. I glued it down to the Homasote roadbed with Weldbond adhesive, which held it in place securely until I added ballast with diluted white glue. The track has been in place for quite a few years now with no movement and no problems,

Just put 2 rail wheelsets on the cars, they will look so much better.

Thanks - I plan on doing that on all my Weaver/CMP and Intermountain freight cars, I agree yes they do.

A few of the K-Line Passenger cars I have are converted to 2R, however it is fairly expensive, because they require 36" diameter scale wheels not more readily available 33" (Intermountain).  And actually, because of the way the skirting and truck side frames are made, even the 36" diameter wheels somehow look too small to me?  That's why I hope someone sees this and can answer if they will run as is.

Last edited by MainLine Steam

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