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MM catalog just floated in and Bachmann Spectrum is shown as having a "new"

Stearns-Heisler.  I am a fan of Heislers, but..what is a STEARNS-Heisler? (a

Stearns-Knight is a luxury car made until about 1930, with a sleeve valve

engine, in Cleveland).  But Stearns-Heisler?? (unfortunately, the price therein

is about 2 1/2 times that of the T-boiler Shay)

Second question:  Somebody was converting some of this Spectrum On30 to

On3 as a service.  This Stearns-Heisler and the T-boiler Shay look like truck replacement would be easy and On3, O standard gauge, or even three rail

trucks could be offered as after market replacements to regauge.  Not a snow ball's chance that has happened or has anybody fabricated their own?

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I have a reprint Heisler catalog, but can't quickly  find it....just didn't recognize the "Stearns" name associated with it.  I did find a reprint McKeen catalog, and that

McKeen had a styling knife-nosed copy-cat, in the Meister rail cars. I see someone has mentioned Dunkirk...there was an O scale kit offered for a vertical boiler Dunkirk, and I have one under constructin with a  3 rail drive, but in a long state of incompletion, that I should get back to.

These geared logging locos were categorized by tonnage, so if the Bachmann version

is a heavier Heisler, the Heisler company probably offered it in a variety of gauges..

I need to look at the Bachmann model....putting a set of another gauge trucks under

a prototype Heisler looks a whole lot easier than under a Shay.

Mr. Ennis:

If you are asking me about the Dunkirk and Heisler?....I stopped work on the Dunkirk to put together a couple of "scenes" for a Kalmbach contest over a year

ago, and got on a structure building binge to meet that deadline...a tiny photo of

one of the scenes, a K-Line interurban kitbashed into a gas electric, in the logging and coal town, appeared on last year's TCA calendar.  The other "scene", that of a crumbling Depression era mining camp, is still set up, so I may get its photos on here.

I would like a better drive train than the readily available Bowser I have used on

several models pictured on here...the Mack and the Sykes, and so I won't get back

to the Dunkirk soon.

I need to look at the Bachmann Heisler up close and personal before I could decide

if I thought new trucks, drive shafts, and a rectifier (wiring them like the Bowser

AC streetcars) could upgrade it to three rail, again preferring a different drive train.

And since these modifications are experiments, and much of what you pay for may get

pitched, I am loath to acquire them at retail and haven't rushed to buy a Bachmann Heisler.  Much of this Bachmann On30 is just the kind of "John Allen" teakettle rolling stock I like......but...can't use it as it is.

Mr. Ennis:

I saw these Heislers advertised in the current Micro-Mark catalog

(where I noted they were 2 1/2? times the price of T-body Shays in that catalog)

and that is the first I had heard of them.  They are shown on P. T9 of the "Early

Spring 2012" catalog.  I have not worked with these so don't know if/how difficult

it is to widen gauge or convert to 3 rail.  I'm guessing small size MIGHT preclude

that.  Others near in price are DCC and sound equipped, which probably fills them

up, and is what I don't want to pay for, for my purposes..have to wait to fish one

out of a junk box, I guess...

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