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Has anyone here used the curved bench work from

I need to refer someone to a concern who builds other than square box style RR bench work.    I have viewed their gallery of custom curved bench work and am very impressed with the gallery and pricing of these people.  Their gentle flowing curved bench work frames really make for an attractive setting

Would like to hear from anyone on board here who actually purchased their product?  It really looks great.

Last edited by Tom Tee
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Only two users so far but good examples of either the plywood platform or cookie cutter approach.

I'll bump the thread with some examples of this type of frame work.

I like the look of the layout seeming to float that you can achieve with frame construction.


I'm negotiating with the wife over how much "bump" I can have in my side curve with the stair landing close  by. I may have to build this one in place. Time to move the boxed up pool table to storage, that is the only aisle.

large curve


Images (2)
  • trial_fit
  • large curve

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