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Hello All,

I'm about to build my very 1st layout ever! I have to use a 4X8 sheet of plywood for my base. I need some track plans to get some ideas please. I would like to run 2 or 3 trains on it at once, if possible. Any suggestions, help, advice, will GREATLY be appreciated! I humbly thank you all in advance and hope to hear some good news soon.



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Hi Jeff,

2 trains would be the best. Even that is ambitious. Trying to work some operational fun into a 4 x 8 could eat up the space for a second line.

Why not use a single loop (oval) with an inside passing siding and a couple of spurs(sidings). Then, you can have some play value and operate two trains. Just not simultaneously.

Do you plan on running the trains remotely (command or LionChief) or by conventional (transformer controlled)?

Atlas track will provide the largest curve that will fit, an O45, or 45 inch diameter. Have you selected a track manufacturer?

You want to leave space for a few buildings and scenic items. They give a 4' x 8' or any layout a better appearance.

Hi Jeff- I have a 4X8 layout too. I can tell you what NOT to do for sure. Like Carl said, don't overload the board with track (mistake #1 ). This was my first O Gauge layout after growing up with HO. I didn't adjust for the size difference (mistake #2 ). I wanted to run two trains also and did a elevated second track but my grades are a bit too steep and the trains have trouble getting to the top ( # 3 ). My layout is all 027 curves as well which does restrict locomotive options quite a bit. I have adjusted to running short steamers and switchers. My Polar Express Berk doesn't make these curves and is on Christmas tree duty only.

The most important part is that I'm having fun! This layout will probably come down one day to make room for a larger (and properly built) layout. There are tons of layout plans on line. If you want to plan your layout on the computer first then download SCARM (forum sponsor) and play around on that. Takes a little time to get used to the controls but it's easy to learn.


2018-01-30 19.49.35Current Plan 1-17.1 Engine House


Images (2)
  • 2018-01-30 19.49.35
  • Current Plan 1-17.1 Engine House

Since this is a first layout, FasTrack would be one of the easiest tracks to use. There are a number of 4x8 layouts here. Check out the 4x6 and 4x7 layouts as well.

A suggestion, even for a 4x8 layout, you may want to consider using at least a couple of power drops. The rule of thumb I use is one for every 6 track joints. That's where your power losses are greatest.

Last edited by Gilly@N&W
Punkrockpub posted:

I have O gauge trains. Perhaps 3 is a bit too much. Perhaps 2 trains. One, on a ground level train and the Second, on  an Elevated level. I can't find the correct track plans yet. 

I started a 5 x 8 layout. I settled on 1 train and an elevated trolley.  I wanted 2 trains but Ill wait until I expand.  

Last edited by Former Member

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