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This is about my tenth plan since I moved in September; but the first that I think is worthy of sharing.

The layout will be a 9 X 17 walk around. I haven't included the upper level that will cover part of the left side and will contain Penn Station and the rest of the city. I also didn't put in the tug or the barges that will be on the water. The front edge of the 072 tracks; those that are over the water will be on a trestle.


I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. As Always I appreciate the help from this forum.


pond2 [2)


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  • pond2 (2)
Last edited by pennsyfan
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At some point you wish for a way to turn your trains around other than the "hand of God"   It appears you could make your inside track figure-8-ish, add another switch out of that loop and be able to go both directions at will without changing your plan much.   Other persons on here, more experienced and more talented with the software, can likely drop you a reverse loop in somewhere.  



Are the four solid gray boxes scattered throughout the plan access hatches?  If so, are they big enough?  1x1 seems a little tight for me.  If not, you will have a long reach to service/fix issues with operating accessories in the middle.


Second, when a train leaves your yard at the top, the direction its heading leaves no access to your industrial area other than backing the whole train in.  Is that what you intended?


I like your harbor area, but I think I would put the accessories nearer the front of the layout and put the bridges and water into the center for background.  This might require running the water from both edges to the middle (like a large river giving way to a widened area for harbor before shrinking back to river size), but would give more visibility to accessories and make them easier to service.




Thanks for your thoughts.


Yes the solid gray boxes are placeholders for popups, just so I didn't forget that I needed them. I agree that they should be larger. Once I am ready to put up the Mianne benchwork I be more precise where they ill be to avoid having a cross member in that location.


I envision the yards at the top to be exclusively for passenger trains; or maybe a string of K-line Billboard reefers.


I hear you about the access to the accessories; but I don't see the river that you proposed with all the tracks on the other three edges. I may have to make the whole 4 ft between the two bodies of water a popout or two popouts to make them easier to handle.


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