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Well it's been eating away at me for awhile. I have a spare room it's kind of odd shaped. I have build a layout and didn't like it and tore it down now I am in the process of trying to come up with a layout again but nothing seems to fit the bill. I even went as far as calling tw trainworx to have them design a layout plan not build it but just design it and after 3 calls no return call. oh well back to using Scarm to build a layout. on my computer right now I have about 10 different files of layouts. all of them are nice but none fit what I am trying to do.  what I want is running multiple trains. bridges, tunnels, I have both tmcc and conventional both freight and passenger trains both prewar and newer trains right now I have (my biggest train is a lionel sd90. I have 2 passenger trains and about 4 freight trains. multi level would be cool. attached is the tables I have already made for the old layout but I am willing to change it. have you ever heard of writers block I have designers block. all my track is fastrack here's the list of track I already have would like to use up most of it if not all of it.



036 1/4=10

036 1/2=1








lighted bumpers =4


1 3/8=2

1 3/4=1

switch 036 r=2

switch 036 l=2


Like I said I would like to use up most of this track.








Images (5)
  • untitled1: this is the current boards
  • 1470000_10151744682936444_481235319_n: photo of last layout
  • 1: first draft of the layout
  • snapshot: this was the final layout plan
  • 4: another photo
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Well I have been looking for a layout plan after seeing one on here. can't remember the username but I liked the plan a lot. but I added a few things to it to make it mine. 2 spurs for my passenger trains and added an extra inner loop. built the bench work today and spent the last few hrs laying out track in the configuration. the bench work is 6X10. what do you think ?











Images (5)
  • 1017152_10203170034074603_419782137_n
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  • 1662127_10203170033874598_961103200_n
  • 1743634_10203170035114629_1050734172_n
  • 1779160_10203170033754595_607518298_n

What didn't you like about the first layout? It looked nice for the room.


Using the givens and druthers approach (see attachment) will help you focus and break your design block. You will also end up with a design that you should be happy with for a while.


From your original post:

Givens                  Druthers

odd shaped room                    ?         

run multiple trains   continuously?         

O gauge

conventional & command control operation

bridges & tunnels

passenger & freight service

use track already acquired


I would have turned the lower reversing loops back on themselves. The location of the third small radius loop seems to be giving you problems. I didn't like the location on the first layout. It hid some train views.


The new setup will cause electrical issues without isolating the lines into separate power divisions, which introduces problems with switches crossing power divisions and/or crossing from a conventional to a command division.


So, what type of feedback do you want now that you have torn down the old and built new benchwork? Need a layout for a 6' x 10' ?




Last edited by Moonman

the old layout early on I found issues with my design with the upper line. the lower worked great and I could run long trains on it. the upper basically consisted of too many bridges. I did get it all to work but buying off the shelf stuff was out for a lot of it. and my skills are not perfect when it comes to making certain things so the upper was a constant issue. My wife wanted tables she could reach across to work on stuff well that left me with limited options. once it was all built I was limited on the 2 tracks that had been laid unless I went up to a third level which I did . I wanted a passenger station. but had no room for it so I added table 3 the green one in the photo in the post but it turned out the length of the spur track for the passenger train ended up being to short so one train sat on 2 spurs and my other passenger train sat on the shelf. what I like about trains is I like to run them and work on the scenery. I have a ton of pics of this old layout as it progressed but from the start I wasn't completely happy with it. as for the new layout plan it meets a few more requirements , multiple trains 5 if the passenger trains share the same line . 6 if I add a spur to the upper line. it has tunnels and bridges and a lot more area for scenery and buildings. the upper part of the table isn't built as of yet . maybe today I 'll get to it . my feed back that was wanted is does anyone see any inherent issues with this layout. I will be switching all of my engines over to command control using the electric railroad stuff.

Thanks for the reply. I understand now why you didn't like the other layout. It's nice that your spouse has an interest.

The new layout appears to accomplish your givens, which should include room for buildings and scenery.

I will try to recreate the new one in SCARM to get a better feel for it. There are two areas that stand out initially. The first is the switch to the innermost line. The "s" created by the turnout and turnback may cause an issue. You can see the effect in the old layout photo where a passenger car is straddling the "s". The second is that you may eventually want another switch pair on the other side to enable a train to leave or return to the outer mainline from the inner loops. 


I'll give it some thought and see what I come up with. Looks ok, using the track that you have. (a Given)

Last edited by Moonman

Ok, I have the outer loops and the sidings. The inner loop is a pain and I haven't started on the elevated loop.


It still looks good. I am not concerned about the "s" effect. I can see your operation. Clockwise running, back out onto mainline after entering inner loop. back into switches for sidings. No room on the opposite side for another pair of crossover switches.


Would you post or email your SCARM file to me? What elevation will the big loop need to be?  I mostly have some wiring suggestions and want to display them on your 2D layout. Are your switches remote? What power supply do you have? 

Last edited by Moonman

Try this one untitled 6 with changes the front is the switches side The 3D looks nice. I rearranged the long elevated section to clear pylon and arch supports.

The long straight in the back is all arch to clear lower. Two bridges, one on each slant of elevated, standard Lionel 25" trestle. Mountains and tunnels in the corners.


10 lost some fun with all of the loop only.




Like you I struggled for a few years designing my Joliet & Western before building. And I agree with rockstars1989 statement "Come up with a track plan you like and don't think about the track you have now. Your intentions to use the track you have is just going to tangle your mind."


Be a Jim Hill Empire Builder. You have a great space to work with. BTW your original track plan was cool.


Case in point: Attached are two files, the J&W original design and the J&W As-Built. The J&W grew organically as my very unusual room space allowed. I was not even thinking of a triple track High-Line till I was building and presto, a triple track mainline.


I suggest: Lock-in a baseline design, then go from there. Then when you see where you can insert track without over cramming, create operational interference or making a spaghetti bowl of track , then just do it. Be  jay Gould or an E.H. Harriman! 


There came a time for me to stop designing on the computer and start building to see what worked, what did not and test fit it all. Now I only go back to the RR-Track to update the As-Builds.


Also buy the track in bulk boxes, like I do. It is cheaper. You would be surprised how fast a several of boxes of 30" or 10" straight tracks go.











Images (2)
  • Joliet & Westen Original Design
  • Joliet and Western As Built 03 Jan 2014
Originally Posted by Jhainer:

here it is with some structures

I like that, too! I haven't tried those libraries yet. I 'll have to download them now that I see how they add to the 3D view.


BTW, I added a few more 1 3/4" to the bridge areas of the elevated loop to move the front closer to the front to achieve the pylon\arch clearance and keep the rear straight over the lower straight. That was really the only track change to untitled 6.

Last edited by Moonman

6X10 layout the room it is in is 11'9" X 11' so I have room for expantion but this way I have room to walk all the way around the layout except the short 6' side to the right it is against the wall so on the side with the b54 bridge I can go out 27" more for growth and if space gets tight I can go out another 19" in length  that would still leave me a walkway on the front side of the layout. about 3' wide.


Well I rearranged the track on the table to match the Scarm layout. put a few trains on and ran the sd90 on the outter loop tonight. I think I like it. the plan is.

I have ordered a b54 bridge from trainworx. to put on the layout already. I will be getting there elevated bridge piers and there railings on the snapshot there in black and solid but they don't come solid.



Images (10)
  • trackplan3
  • snapshot5
  • 20140206_224236
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You really like creating a nice 3D view. I like for elevations and such, but I don't have the patience to spend all of that time. I can visualize it.


It looks like it will be fun to operate. Plenty of accessible scenery building for the spouse to work on.


 I just noticed the tunnel control buildings behind the window!

Last edited by Moonman

You are moving right along. Looks good! SCARM works really well from plan to layout. It needs a little tweak for the width of the roadbed clearance.


I was reading a thread in which this company mentioned, Azatrax. I think you'll find that they have an elegant solution for the signals and other trick detection triggered actions. IR sensors hidden in the roadbed or some adjacent piece of scenery. They have everything to wire it up.


Also, search here, JC Studios. Dale H., a forum member here also, posts how-to's, or email him with your idea. He's great at this stuff. I like the IR solution.

Last edited by Moonman

Please be careful of your clearance with these tunnel portals.  If they sit on the surface of the board, lower than your roadbed, an auto-carrier or other hi-cube boxcars will not fit.  You need to have 5.75 inches from the top of the railhead to the lowest point about for an auto-carrier to clear.  It is much easier to adjust now than later. 

well HMM tunnel platform is 7 1/4 the openings are 5 from the top of the rail what I did is looked at most premade portals and they ranged from 5 3/4 up to 6 1/4 if I remember correctly. so mine were built at 5 3/4 then with fastrack I just measured it and it was at 5 but I did have to cut about a 1/4 off the bottom when I placed it .


Originally Posted by Jhainer:

today I have a pretty good update. My bridge came in from TW Trainworx ! after sitting here for about 10 minutes had to temp assemble it and see how it fits on the layout . here are the pics of it  


That is one nice bridge! The upper level can come together now.

What are you thinking on the paint job for the bridge? Concrete or post-war colors?

Ok, checked out 1 idea today. TrueColor T-06 is concrete color that looks good. primer first. But, you'll need to air brush.


If you want a texture, you could:

  1. Use a brass wire brush to create a brushed detail in the wood.
  2. For a rough look, get a belt sander belt(because it is cloth backed and flexible) of a grit that you would need to determine, perhaps 100 or 120, then press it into the wood and lift or tap it with a rubber mallet and lift off on the surfaces that you want the effect on. Then paint.

You could test this on some wood that you have around first before touching that very nice bridge.



Last edited by Moonman
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