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I am going to redo my train room layout...I can build what ever I design, I have the Carpentry and Electrical skills. and I can layout track so that no engine or car will ever derail because of the rails..
What I cannot do is make a plan that I can build..usually because I design it and it gets modified along the way...and that's no way to run a railroad..

so any Scarm Pros out there want the prestige of being the designer of my is your chance...

the room in a scarm file is latest video is on youtube

Any brave souls want to help?


more room info in this video


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So, what's happening that annoys you or what doesn't the layout do that you want it to do?


I watched the run session previously and thought that you had worked out some concerns from earlier this year. The layout has come a long way and you have done a great job of making the multiple track brands play together.


being able to turn the train around would be a bonus. That would take one r-loop on top of another to save space. You already have elevations.


A pair of wyes would have to cross the room or a single wye could protrude on an angle to minimize the room intrusion. This would require stopping a train and heading in a back out prototypically or vice-versa to change direction.


I would suggest a run through staging yard. It takes 10' or more for longer trains.


Using some different size switches in a few spots would eliminate some wiggles.


Do you have the as-built in SCARM?  or would really like to start fresh?


The trains look good on the path that they take going around the room. I really think some tweaking is what you need.


Oh yeah, pro I am not, student of design, definitely yes.

Last edited by Moonman
Basically, this layout was built just to run trains, we thought we might be moving..but we are not. It was not built for "looks"
I want to build better, bigger, nicer...more protypical...use the space better

The pool table has to stay...

I have a Y on the reverse loop

I want a yard that can handle train movement without fouling the mains.
The yard I added is not as usefull for building a consist...but ok to place idle cars..

I also want to improve electrical issues and incorporate decoupling tracks I have

And wire MTH turnouts for use with remote levers that came with them..and also use DCS to operate

The motto..go big or stay on the porch with the little dogs is the goal

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