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I have been working on the design for a new layout for the last 6 months or so and I think I am about 95% of the way there. There is one piece of the puzzle on which I am stuck.

I would like to have a double reverse but so far I have not been able to figure out a way to do this. I have the single reverse which you can see in the upper left hand corner (track is colored green). But I cannot see how to go back in the original direction, at least not without giving up on some of the other components of this design which are important to me.

Anyone have any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

2016 ver 3






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  • 2016 ver 3
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Railrunnin posted:

John, first I have to tell you I like your design. What are the approx. dimensions of your layout?

Regarding the reverse loop, I don't see an easy way given the current config. My other suggestion might be to shorten your stub tracks a little to get a longer yard lead.

Looks good John





The width of the room is 22 feet and the depth is 23 feet.

Not sure if you are seeing the full lead track given elevation of other track but it is about 10-11 feet long. I wanted the stub tracks to be able to handle long trains (18-20') which are pre-staged and "ready to go".

Adriatic posted:

In thinking the square near the transformers is a building or yard tower, that it could be made part of the sunken portal structure, or on stilts over the sinking track.

I've been curious about the deep blue rectangles too; What are they?

Sorry, there are some things in the drawing where the meaning is not obvious but they are there as reminders or placeholders for me once I start construction.

The gray rectangle a bit above the transformers is a support column that holds up the I-beam which supports the floor above. There is a second one which is not shown but will come up through the mountain.

The red rectangle which appears to be mounted on the side of the layout is where I need to mount another control box (not layout related) for easy access.

The long deep blue rectangles represent the location where I plan to install shelves to hold other trains. I have six12 foot long shelves which were on the wall above the old layout. This time I plan to use backdrops on the walls but I want to make use of the shelves so I will cut them and mount them below the table top.


Oh, a pole. Do you want to weld in a tunnel

There is also a quick turn into the mountain; and another spot before the yard entrance where you could duck under your elevated line on the wall. Running under the mountains elevated line starting to the left of the"red parking lot & 2 buildings, and then looping right back to behind the "red parking lot" might help too. Just don't forget your loop size limits your train size. You could still turn an engine and do run arounds on the sidings to give a long train a new head end.IMG_20161123_164244

You might want to add turnouts at the end of those long stubs so you can also pull in, then possibly do a run around with the loco.(I hate backing up long trains, lol.


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  • IMG_20161123_164244

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