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My current layout is on 2.5 x 6ft folding tables with no scenery other than paper grass.  I did it that way as we always knew we would not stay long and I did not want to have a lot of work to tear down.  Now that the move is here I want to use those same tables (about 5 of them plus a 2x4 table off to one side that held the yard that only hit the main line on one end).  I want to lay plywood and foam board on top and make rivers and a pond and a town with a water tower, a city passenger platform, a freight station and the loading ramps for the unloading operating reefers and a milk loader and unloading dock as well.  I have a house as well.  I always wanted to get an operating gas station so I want to have room for that.  Currently I run two loops with 2 sets of 72 inch switches back to back on one side and 1 set on the other and inside on one end is a mini yard and one off to one side on the outside.  It was 14 ft long as two tables were side by side and end to end of another set and one table sideways on one end. 


When I move I will have a more open basement with support beams in the middle.  I am trying to decide how best to lay them out and what track plan to use.  I am bored with my current set up, nut need a yard to park engines, and really long passenger cars.  Are there some good ideas I can use out there?

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How much of the new basement will you be able to use for the new layout?  


If possible, depending on the use of the basement, I would build your benchwork around the perimeter of the walls.  Use as much of the area as you can and develop your track plan to fit the space you have.  That way you will have more area to lay track and wider curves, especially if you want to have the long passenger sets on sidings or in a station.  


You'll probably need more track and lumber for a larger layout too.

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