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Here is the newest brainstorm from River Leaf Models – The OGR World Headquarters.


We’ve been looking at the types of buildings modelers are seeking for their layouts and found people want buildings with unique character, and this one fills the bill.


The OGR World Headquarters has a footprint of twelve inches by six inches making it a dominant building on your layout. The height is eight inches to the top of the multi-level roofline.

Here’s what you get:

-Heavy duty construction using ¼” MDF walls to ensure perfect squareness of assembly.

16 precision cut windows plus the large front window. All windows are 3/32” acrylic as opposed to acetate. Windows and doors are precision cut for a perfect fit.

-The OGR sign is a separate piece for those preferring to use this majestic building for a different purpose – but, why would you?

-The building has a recessed entrance, ornate doors and windows and the second floor windows come with shades – complete with pulls.


The photos speak for themselves. This is an impressive downtown centerpiece for any layout.


We are starting the first production run Wednesday and expect fabrication and delivery will take a week from time of order. Our website is being moved to a new host so your best bet is to email me – with your order. I will issue an invoice and you can pay by check or paypal.


First orders in will be the first orders shipped.

The price is $134.95. Order before midnight August 31, 2015 and get FREE SHIPPING.


Thanks to OGR and Rich Melvin for lending the OGRname to this project.



Operators are standing by . . . .

OGR Building i

OGR Building ii


Images (2)
  • OGR Building i
  • OGR Building ii
Last edited by AG
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:

HOW ABOUT THAT! The OGR World Headquarters and Raw Nerve Center...on O gauge layouts all over the world!


Very nice, Andre!

OH GOODIE!!  Here's my chance to touch the raw nerves of OGR......and get away with it!!


Andre, ol' buddy, they just keep getting better and better!!


Time to do some 'urban renewal', maybe.  Gotta find a spot for this one.  It sez "Police Headquarters" to me....a couple of globe light sconces on either side of the doorway, some bars across a couple of back/side windows, liberal sprinkling of our heroes-in-blue, parking lot with a couple police cars.........a donut shop next door!!!


Very, very cool!!!!



Last edited by dkdkrd

Fantastic Andre!!  This makes several World Headquarters Buildings over the recent years...seems OGR can't decide which building to designate as their home!!..LOL!!  Seriously thought, Andre, this is a really nice structure with a distinct architecture....I really like the cut stone look!  Now, the OGR crew has to begin the move from the skyscraper downtown to this new structure....uhmm....I want the top floor...



I used to drive through Poland on my way to Canton when our older daughter was in college there.  Once I drove back to see the real world headquarters.  It is amazing how little space these great minds need to put out such an excellent publication, forum, and products!



This building is quite worthy as a world headquarters!  Another wonderful job!

OGR Building i

OGR Building ii



Was showing this to a fellow hobbyist...a question arose...


Re above photo...the first floor windows on the right side (as you view it)...are they aligned with the second floor windows? 


The first and second floor windows appear aligned on the left side, but he wondered if there was some photo distortion that made them seem otherwise on the right side????


Not a biggie...just curious.


Per a thread comment you do custom signs for this building?  If so, .....$$$???








Good eye.

Yes, this is the mock up, the first cut and it is made to see all the details and pros and cons.

The drawing after that were modified to be aligned. 

Different sign will be available with not charge.

Custom sign that fit into the original sign will be free of charge as well.





OGR Forum pic


Images (1)
  • OGR Forum pic
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:

I used to drive through Poland on my way to Canton when our older daughter was in college there.  Once I drove back to see the real world headquarters.  It is amazing how little space these great minds need to put out such an excellent publication, forum, and products!



This building is quite worthy as a world headquarters!  Another wonderful job!

I've also visited the OGR world headquarters several years ago. Nice building Andre, it would even make a nice bank. O-G-R your savings insured?

Don Kane Jr

the police department looks good but I would not put HQ on it, that would limit the use of the building, most large cities PD, HQ or command operations building would be considerately larger. I think maybe. POLICE DEPARTMENT, just plain POLICE would work also.
Originally Posted by AG - River Leaf Models:

Ok guys!

here is some signs ideas.


OGR Forum pic


Last edited by John Pignatelli JR.

I always visualized the OGR World Headquarters as being more on the order of 95-100 stories.

Well, then!!.....


See??  This truly is a MODEL OF SUCCESS!!  Unlike the bloated beltway bureaucracy of the D.C., great and awesome things can be accomplished with far more modest resources...and digs!   Kudos to 'model' management, OGR!!


Of course, the cubicles therein could be discarded phone booths, too!!!


I had the same feelings the first time I saw Weaver's now-abandoned digs....'Whoa!  You're doing all you're doing in a facility THIS modest???!!!'



Re the window re-alignment.  Thanks for the reply!  'Beta Tests' always are worth the effort, eh what?  Love your sign suggestions.  I'd vote for POLICE DEPARTMENT, too...but your call.  (I'll have to find some interior images to post behind those BIG windows.)







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