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I've converted many of my freight cars and engines to Kadee couplers and really like them in operating sessions with a single exception.  Uncoupling them has been a challenge.  My layout was built before I discovered Kadees and there are no uncoupling magnets and I decided against retrofitting them for lots of reasons.  We've been using assorted wooden and plastic sticks that I've tapered to fit between the knuckles and with a twist the couplers release.  This has worked OK, but in situations where the space between cars is in shadow, it's very difficult to actually get the tip between the couplers, especially with our aging eyes.  It's also hard on the couplers, occasionally knocking off the knuckle spring.  I've used harder and harder woods, but the sticks wear quickly and become unusable.

I've built a new tool (photo below) which I hope will solve this problem.  Epoxied to a simple battery case (2 AA batteries) is a length of 1/8" key stock with a small rare earth magnet epoxied to the other end.  Light is provided by a single LED.  By using the magnet to pull one of the "air hoses" aside ( with a little slack in the couplers) the Kadees release.  It seems to work well for me but our next operating session won't be until October and that will be the real test.

What do you think?IMG_0644


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