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I really like the trestle. I have a plan for one similar in my layout. It is small and around the room, so I think something similar might be just the right fit for me. Do you have any other photos showing an overall of where it's at in the layout in relation to curves and switches. Also, how are you going to finish the ends off? This was something that I was unsure about.

Very nice work. Keep the photos coming.
Originally posted by aghrhowie:
Thomas, your rock work is spectacular. They kind of look like the rocks on I15 as you enter Utah. Could have killed every one in the car while I was looking at the scenery on a section of freeway that resembled a roller coaster more than a highway. Do you have any progressive pictures that could show us your technique in fabricating those beautiful cliffs, or is that copyrighted?

Originally posted by Thomas Smith:
THANK YOU new at this that all I have I used a hot wire cutter and a 4in cutting wheel.
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